Archived: Rock Band 3 = GAY
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 12:28 pm | #1
Alright this is BS cuz i just found out pro mode is gonna require u to pay 150$!!!! U will have to buy a 150 PLASTIC guitar and there is most likely going to be pro mode achievements so F%CK this!!!
Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 12:42 pm | #3
Re: Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 12:43 pm | #4
hahaha. this information is good to know before you purchase. wheather it is its sexual pref, or its achievement difficulty!

Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 12:46 pm | #6
This is retarded im going to buy it just wait till the guitar drops 2 50$-100
Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 12:48 pm | #7
You don't have to buy it, if you want the pro achievements (if any) just go over to a friends house and get them. Me personally I'm saving for the whole she'bang
Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 12:48 pm | #8
*hears Wambulance sirens in the distance*
You'll be okay buddy help is on the way
You'll be okay buddy help is on the way
Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 12:50 pm | #9
lol just moved and cant find anyone who play same reason i cant get 1mil for gh2
Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 2:04 pm | #10
Re: Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 2:51 pm | #11
Quote by Daniel:
You don't have to buy it, if you want the pro achievements (if any) just go over to a friends house and get them. Me personally I'm saving for the whole she'bang
Is this Rock Band William Hung?
Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 4:51 pm | #14
you complain then say ur gonna buy it?
typical gamer nowadays.
typical gamer nowadays.
Re: Rock Band 3 = GAY
07/16/10 5:22 pm | #15
Honestly 150$ for a peripheral that helps you learn REAL guitar is a pretty good deal. Yes, you could argue that you could get a decent used actual guitar for that price, but think about all the electronics involved.