Lets see how far they milk the series this time. Any thoughts on what kind of "new" overused features theyll implement this time?
Archived: Rock Band 3 announced
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Rock Band 3 announced
03/10/10 12:20 am | #1
Lets see how far they milk the series this time. Any thoughts on what kind of "new" overused features theyll implement this time?
Lets see how far they milk the series this time. Any thoughts on what kind of "new" overused features theyll implement this time?
Re: Rock Band 3 announced
03/10/10 12:22 am | #2
I personally haven't played Rock Band, I could never really get into band games
Re: Re: Rock Band 3 announced
03/10/10 12:36 am | #4
Quote by Mudkip:
I put a news story up about this early yesterday when I read it. Apparently none of the mods who approve news were on today, but anyway I'm kinda 50-50 on this one til I see a setlist.

Re: Rock Band 3 announced
03/10/10 12:37 am | #5
it's gonna be more of the same, except with a fresh coat of paint (aka: menus, box art, etc) 

Re: Rock Band 3 announced
03/10/10 12:44 am | #7
@ ikhaotic, indeed, that and theyll take some of the drop in/out features and sleekness of GH5. @mudkip, yea i dont understand it either, first time i tryed submittin a news story i couldnt figure out how it worked, i kept hittin submit and it said this article has not yet been submitted or whatever and i was like I JUST CLICKED IT and i repeated the thing like 5+ times before leavin it alone and then the next day i noticed it went thru so i was like OoOo lol
Re: Re: Rock Band 3 announced
03/10/10 1:03 am | #8
Quote by Mudkip:
I put a news story up about this early yesterday when I read it. Apparently none of the mods who approve news were on today, but anyway I'm kinda 50-50 on this one til I see a setlist.
Dang that sucks bro
Re: Rock Band 3 announced
06/11/10 2:15 am | #10
Heres some more info complete with a video, http://www.xbox360achievements.org/news/news-5375-Rock-Band-3-Details-Unleashed.html
Re: Rock Band 3 announced
06/11/10 2:19 am | #11
Quote by A Silent Circus:
Lets see how far they milk the series this time. Any thoughts on what kind of "new" overused features theyll implement this time?
Lets see how far they milk the series this time. Any thoughts on what kind of "new" overused features theyll implement this time?
They revealed a portion of the setlist this week.
Here's a link : Scratch my Balls
Re: Rock Band 3 announced
06/11/10 2:23 am | #12
Yea, the link i just posted has a sample of the setlist plus a video showing off the new keyboard periph. Looks like the track shifts left to right on the keyboard n such, doesnt look too bad, wonder how much itll cost though.
Re: Rock Band 3 announced
06/11/10 10:39 am | #13
keyboards huh...........depending on how much it will cost, i may or may not get the bundle. i'm definitely getting the game though, because i've always wanted a Rock Band due to it's vast library of songs. i was gonna get Rock Band 2 but thought i might as well wait for 3 to drop this winter

Re: Rock Band 3 announced
06/22/10 11:44 pm | #14
Here are some new announced songs, typing this myself from referencing the newest issue of OXM that i got today. Format is Band-Song
Metric- Combat Baby
Night Ranger- Sister Christian
The Cure- Just like heaven
Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody
Smash Mouth- Walkin on the sun
Whitesnake- Here i go again
Huey Lewis and the News- The power of love
Spacehog- In the meantime
The Doors- Break on through
Phoenix- Lasso
Rilo Kiley- Portions for foxes
Them Crooked Vultures- Dead end friends
Jimi Hendrix- Crosstown traffic
The Vines- Get free
The White Stripes- The hardest button to button
Dio- Rainbow in the dark
Ida Maria- Oh my god
Juanes- Me enamora
Janes Addiction- Been caught stealing
Joan Jett- I love rock n roll
Stone Temple Pilots- Plush
Ozzy- Crazy train
Metric- Combat Baby
Night Ranger- Sister Christian
The Cure- Just like heaven
Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody
Smash Mouth- Walkin on the sun
Whitesnake- Here i go again
Huey Lewis and the News- The power of love
Spacehog- In the meantime
The Doors- Break on through
Phoenix- Lasso
Rilo Kiley- Portions for foxes
Them Crooked Vultures- Dead end friends
Jimi Hendrix- Crosstown traffic
The Vines- Get free
The White Stripes- The hardest button to button
Dio- Rainbow in the dark
Ida Maria- Oh my god
Juanes- Me enamora
Janes Addiction- Been caught stealing
Joan Jett- I love rock n roll
Stone Temple Pilots- Plush
Ozzy- Crazy train
Re: Re: Rock Band 3 announced
06/23/10 12:29 am | #15
Quote by Circus:
Here are some new announced songs, typing this myself from referencing the newest issue of OXM that i got today. Format is Band-Song
Did you not scratch my balls?