Archived: resident evil 6 *wish list*
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/17/10 11:52 pm | #3
Some actual terror, a confined setting(hell, bring back the mansion from the DLC+RE 1), being able to move and shoot, better puzzles, better enemies.
Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/17/10 11:53 pm | #4
As long as its actually scary.... and has real zombies. Not stupid AK-47, Gat slanging retards.
Re: Re: Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 12:00 am | #6
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Circus:
Some actual terror, a confined setting(hell, bring back the mansion from the DLC+RE 1), being able to move and shoot, better puzzles, better enemies.
That was the ONLY problem I had with 5... I just couldn't get past the fact that when you aim, YOU FROZE. I know it's supposed to add to the survival horror factor, but still... C'mon. At least be able to slowly walk and aim!
Re: Re: Re: Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 12:05 am | #7
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Durtie:
That was the ONLY problem I had with 5... I just couldn't get past the fact that when you aim, YOU FROZE. I know it's supposed to add to the survival horror factor, but still... C'mon. At least be able to slowly walk and aim!
Yeah especially when the "zombies" are swinging gats.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 12:11 am | #8
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Quote by AJ:
That was the ONLY problem I had with 5... I just couldn't get past the fact that when you aim, YOU FROZE. I know it's supposed to add to the survival horror factor, but still... C'mon. At least be able to slowly walk and aim!
Yeah especially when the "zombies" are swinging gats.

Lol! The only thing that made that game's non-walking aiming tolerable was how ridiculously slow most of the zombies were... If they were as quick as L4D(2), that game would've been HARD.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 12:16 am | #9
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Yeah especially when the "zombies" are swinging gats.

Lol! The only thing that made that game's non-walking aiming tolerable was how ridiculously slow most of the zombies were... If they were as quick as L4D(2), that game would've been HARD.
Yeah... but all the REs have been like that. If they made the zombies would be like a brand new game.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 12:17 am | #10
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Quote by AJ:
Lol! The only thing that made that game's non-walking aiming tolerable was how ridiculously slow most of the zombies were... If they were as quick as L4D(2), that game would've been HARD.
Yeah... but all the REs have been like that. If they made the zombies would be like a brand new game.

I wouldn't know, the 5th one was the only one of the series I've played..
They were fast in the movies, LOL!
EDIT: I just noticed this.
Quote by x360x Vamp:
just say what would you want for the 6th game in the franchise.
here's mine
1. zombies
2. horror
3. puzzles
4. longer story
5. Krauser back
150 relpy help
here's mine
1. zombies
2. horror
3. puzzles
4. longer story
5. Krauser back
150 relpy help
Lol, there's really only 2 things that you want for this game, because it will DEFINITELY have zombies, horror and puzzles, lmao!

Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 12:36 am | #11
Damn Dogs jumping thru window like in the first game, so I guess the element of surprise for the enemy.
Less AMMO, thats what made the first two games great!
Less AMMO, thats what made the first two games great!
Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 1:54 am | #12
I wish they would release all of the games on arcade, I would totally buy them again. I am a huge fan of the Resident Evil series. I would love to see actual Zombies not the "Zombies" from RE 4 and 5. I would also like to be scared shitless like I was with the original 3 games, not sure why but 4 and 5 didn't really scare me, maybe I'm desensitized... I also wish the story was longer. I guess another thing I would like would be that you could have a cast of characters that you could pick from like in Resident Evil Outbreak and Outbreak File 2 those games always interested me but I never had internet back then. As for the 150 posts thing, I doubt you will get it with this thread but nice try and if you do I guess Congratulations...
Re: resident evil 6 *wish list*
07/18/10 1:56 am | #13
I think the Outbreak type game would be great to see in action and workin on 360 and I would also absolutely buy the originals if they rereleased em on the arcade. Capcom does a ton of games for the arcade so Im sure they have discussed that at some point or another, if they do RE 1 they need to put it with the updated graphics like on gamecube, that game was great.
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