Archived: Red Faction anyone?
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Red Faction anyone?
02/02/10 9:29 am | #1
Hey everyone, Can someone help me in Red faction. PM me! Edit: I just set up an event for it, It will be held on Feb. 27th that is the last saturday in feb. Hope to see you there!

Re: Red Faction anyone?
02/02/10 11:29 am | #3
Is this a decent game? I was thinking of getting it and played the demo it seemed pretty good. How's the acheeves, hard? or decent?
Re: Re: Red Faction anyone?
02/02/10 12:18 pm | #4
Quote by ZYM0T1C:
Is this a decent game? I was thinking of getting it and played the demo it seemed pretty good. How's the acheeves, hard? or decent?
Yea it actually is pretty good if you like 3rd person shooters.
Re: Red Faction anyone?
02/06/10 10:55 am | #6
Are the online acheeves a pain? I saw three that had me worried: 5000 kills, 100,000xp, and 25 million in damage? I went and got this game hoping for a decent 1K let me know.
Re: Red Faction anyone?
02/06/10 12:42 pm | #7
No coment?
Re: Red Faction anyone?
02/06/10 1:11 pm | #9
So they are not bad? I mean I'm not going to have to grind them for days?
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