Penny Arcade Episode 3 will be XBL Indie Release
Several months ago, it was announced that Zeboyd Games who had released some popular indie games (Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World), were taking up the reins and going to start work on the third episode in the series. Not much was known at this time, and Penny Arcade had already started to continue the story for the fans of the series. However to the fans this was fantastic news.

In an exclusive interview with Joystiq several screenshots of the upcoming game have been revealed. In a tidbit of news that goes along with it, the game is NOT going to be released as an Xbox Live Arcade Game, but rather as an Indie game. Obviously some of us are disappointed that there will be no achievements tied to the game, but the plus side is that the game is supposed to be in the same price line as the other games (80 MS Points).

To those of you unfamiliar with Zeboyd Games, the previous titles have an old school NES/SNES RPG feel to them, and the Penny Arcade title appears to be along the same lines. Also even to those who are not fans of the previous releases, or simply don't want to buy them, this title's story will be able to be understood by all, no giant backstory needed. Also noted is that there is a plan to continue on to a fourth episode as this one ends on a cliffhanger.

To me the only downside to this bit of news is that I won't be able to earn achievements in this game. However finding out I only will have to shell out a few dollars at most for the game is very exciting. To those who are interested in checking out the other Zeboyd games, following this are some marketplace links. Consider it a taste of what is to come in this release, along with spending pocket change to help out a small development company. I mean we all love the giant ones right? ....and lets face it achievements aren't everything.