Archived: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
02/25/10 3:35 am | #1
The upcoming expansion is only going to have 8 extra achieves worth 250 pts. Seems kind of weak for something thats going to cost $40. I'll get it if it gets good reviews or when I hear how long it is but for 40 bucks it better be a good sized expansion if its barely going to have more points than an arcade game. Anyone else going to pick this up March 16th?
Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
02/25/10 5:10 am | #2
It supposed to come put on a disc also so you can get it used in a few months
Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
02/25/10 7:26 am | #4
a little bit about achievements... MS has rules about how many achievements can be added to a game through DLC. Currently, the rule states that up to 250 points can be added per fiscal quarter of the year, up to a maximum of 750 additional points. That means that ANY expansion at any price can't have more than 250 points, unless it takes 6 months or more to release, like Halo 3's additional 750 that came over a year after the release date.
Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
02/25/10 7:34 am | #5
yeh but still think about this, a $40 dlc......but a new $60 game has 1000 chives, why cant this dlc have around 600 chive points, its around 66% of the cost of a new game.
Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
03/17/10 3:45 pm | #7
Nope i really really want to BUT i have so many other games to work on right now and very little to no time to play them all lmfao! so many choices
Re: Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
03/17/10 3:46 pm | #8
Quote by A Silent Circus:
Nope i really really want to BUT i have so many other games to work on right now and very little to no time to play them all lmfao! so many choices
Re: Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
03/17/10 5:31 pm | #9
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
a little bit about achievements... MS has rules about how many achievements can be added to a game through DLC. Currently, the rule states that up to 250 points can be added per fiscal quarter of the year, up to a maximum of 750 additional points. That means that ANY expansion at any price can't have more than 250 points, unless it takes 6 months or more to release, like Halo 3's additional 750 that came over a year after the release date.
What about Borderlands?
Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
03/17/10 5:41 pm | #10
I picked it up yesterday for $19.99 (hard disc copy), didn't have the 3200 Microsoft points, and it took up 3GB (not MB) of hard drive space so i was like screw that, so i now have ALL the DLC for this game, but have yet to even take it out of the cellophane yet and i bought it back on November 3rd for $20.00..But from the sounds of it I'll have a shitload of work to do on it
Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
03/17/10 6:03 pm | #12
You guys are moping 40$ is expensive. I agree. 60$ is way to expensive for any game. I don't care what it is i am not going to spend 60$ on any game. That is the price that should drop to 40$, and the expansion to 30$.
Re: Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
03/17/10 6:21 pm | #13
Quote by Mudkip:
the expansions gonna cost $40...hahahaha and people say Halo is overpriced.
This game completely sucked donkey balls too!
I dunno how Melissa liked it

Re: Re: Re: Only 250 GS for Dragon Age Awakening
03/17/10 6:55 pm | #15
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Mudkip:
the expansions gonna cost $40...hahahaha and people say Halo is overpriced.
This game completely sucked donkey balls too!
I dunno how Melissa liked it

It only sucks for people who suck too much to play it