Like i said, idk if you knew this, but letting people know.
Archived: ok so. READ
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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ok so. READ
12/25/09 7:34 pm | #1
If you get another xbox, and cant move all your stuff to a new hardrive and have tons of DLC like tv shows, DLC, and etc. Idk if you know this, but you can download them on your new xbox 360. you don't need anything. I just got the mw 2 and recovered my GT then just downloaded all the DLC and shows i had before for free.
Like i said, idk if you knew this, but letting people know.
Like i said, idk if you knew this, but letting people know.
Re: ok so. READ
12/25/09 7:51 pm | #3
And i just found out when i looked at lost and the damned that i bought and thought i lost it, but i could download again on a new xbox. and all my south park, always sunny, LOST, and other DLC
Re: ok so. READ
12/25/09 8:12 pm | #4
You can also get a free transfer cable MS, and transfer everything including game saves,DLC,tv shows,etc.
Re: ok so. READ
12/25/09 8:13 pm | #5
Yeah, but i sold everything. and 3 months later got a new xbox, and thoughtt it was cool i could download everything without a transfer cable. and i didn't need game saves or anything.
Re: ok so. READ
12/25/09 10:29 pm | #8
Yea this is true, because I recovered my gamertag onto a friends xbox to let him get some arcade achievements for the games I had, but when we went offline, everything turned into demos but once we connected to live he was able to play them.
Re: ok so. READ
12/25/09 10:40 pm | #9
To be able to play your arcade games offline again you need to go to your "download history" and re-download your old game. Once you do this that game will be playable again offline.
Re: Re: ok so. READ
12/26/09 12:08 am | #11
Quote by bluntedGRINCH:
To be able to play your arcade games offline again you need to go to your "download history" and re-download your old game. Once you do this that game will be playable again offline.
I learned something today

Thanks for that info.
Re: Re: Re: Re: ok so. READ
12/26/09 12:48 am | #13
Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by AJ:
I learned something today

Thanks for that info.
Don't go adding it into your autobiography yet, AJ. Like Mudkip said, that's incorrect. That's how to redownload games, but it doesn't change the rights to the new Xbox. That has to be done the way the ol' pokemon mentioned in his last post.
Damn, knew it couldn't be that simple...
Oh well, I still have my 20gb arcade unit and it has like 12gb left, so I should be oooooook.
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