Archived: New but old lol take2.
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 4:19 pm | #1
I want to start with two things|1RST I'd like to say thanks for those who tried to help me fix the problem I had on here thank you and for everyones understanding.2ND If some of my spelling is off I'm doing this on my WII and it's abit tough on here sorry up front.My name is Jill I'm from PA GO EAGELS.I'm new on here by the fact this is the first time I made a tag on here =my back up 360 tag= but I've been on here afew years through two friends giveing them stuff to give away and act like it's from them and ones well known and no I can't give out there tags. ^_< I do this from my WII or DSI because my PC is down.I own my own buss and have a WII for my workers down time =and other things for them= I joined here to make friends,have fun,I'll be giveing stuff out and I'll still do it through my friends,and I'm also looking forone avatar item I've been after for awhile but I think I found someone with it.If anyone needs game help let me know If I don't have the game I'll TRY to get it.My list on this tag only has a few games but I will update it in time any game on the list I own I don't rent or borrow so ask away if you are wondering about a game.I'll end this now any questions just ask nice to meet you all takecare and happy gameing. ^^
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 4:35 pm | #2
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 5:00 pm | #3
welcome yo
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 5:02 pm | #4
Welcome to the site. MAGLITE 420 will be by sooner or later to give you a TOUR made by one hell of a member.
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 5:11 pm | #5
Thank you for the welcomes. ^^
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 5:47 pm | #6
Welcome aboard
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 6:27 pm | #7
Welcome. The tour PureEvil x21 is talking about is at the other thread you made. Which is
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 6:35 pm | #8
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 7:45 pm | #9
welcome. i would have voted, but i didnt see the option "uber bad".

Re: New but old lol take2.
11/13/11 11:50 pm | #10
Re: New but old lol take2.
11/22/11 10:41 pm | #11
I would of said thanks for all the responces sooner but I was busy getting everything set up for the free Thanksgiveing dinner I put together for the homeless every year.So thanks to all who responded and will responed and or read this and happy Thanksgiveing.P.S. Sorry about any bad spelling I'm on my WII. lol.
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