Archived: need help finding....
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need help finding....
01/13/11 11:53 am | #1
a song from Forza Motorsport 2 that was also on some football movie. its kinda like, got a sorta german guy singing. its really catchy. its driving me crazy trying to find out what song it is. ive literally gone through half of the Forza 2 soundtrack list online but i was hoping someone knew what song i was talking about. if i remember right, the song was playing on some football movie during a touchdown and it panned to a picture of the scoreboard. please someone help me.
Re: need help finding....
01/13/11 12:06 pm | #3
i think it may be Sister Machine Gun. but BOTH of those fucking artists arent listed on so my download is BLOWN!!!!!
Re: need help finding....
01/13/11 11:18 pm | #4
Could it be Rammstein...
Re: need help finding....
01/13/11 11:20 pm | #5
....DU! .... DU HAST!
Re: need help finding....
01/13/11 11:50 pm | #6
Did you look on YouTube yet?
Re: need help finding....
01/14/11 11:05 am | #7
i wish it was rammstein. im totally a fan. i even have their version of Barbie Girl. (technically its not by Rammstein, a Dutch DJ and his GF did it, but they take credit) and i have tried Youtube. i didnt find anything.......
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