BUT, before you watch any of the videos talking or showing about the game let's get a feel of the game:
The countdown for NFS:MW is coming down to a close but a start as well. NFS:MW is being released on October 30th in the U.S. and to prepare for this they have prepared 2 video series. Gameplay features which descibe the game itself and the mechanics; while the Gameplay Series show actual gameplay while giving tips.
So here's Part 1 of gameplay features:
Here's part 2 of the gameplay feature series addressing Multiplayer:
I do like how they gave some tips that will definitely be used.
So on to Gameplay Series:
Part 1:
It's one we all should know by now.
Part 2:
Yeah they counted that as one -_- because
Part 3:
And finally-
Part 4:
Originally it was thought that it was just race after race; now we know that as a racer you are trying to become Most Wanted in Fairhaven and to do that you are going to have to take down each of the top 10 Most Wanted to take that crown.What'd you get out of it?
I'll add more if they pop up, plus I'm hoping for a demo, cuz right now I'z broke and won't be able to get it