Archived: NBA 2k10
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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NBA 2k10
12/22/09 7:04 pm | #1
Does anybody know if you can boost Online ranked matches and such?
Re: NBA 2k10
12/22/09 7:22 pm | #2
No lobbies so no.But on 2K9 you could do street ball games via quick match it takes forever/sucks and on the last game you had to play a real game via quick match.Also note the person you boost with shouldn't be on your friends list or in a party.GOOD LUCK

Re: NBA 2k10
12/22/09 7:31 pm | #3
wow. damnit. btw, is NBA live 10 easy 1k?
Re: NBA 2k10
12/22/09 7:35 pm | #4
Yes,very easy I rented it knocked it out in a day or so.
Re: NBA 2k10
12/22/09 7:36 pm | #5
SWeet, if i rent it. I'll get to you with help.
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