Archived: my 1/2 year old xbox
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my 1/2 year old xbox
03/19/09 4:57 pm | #1
Ok im kindof ticked alot off at my xbox and whoever played it last from my family. I turn it on right after school and thers 1 red light at the bottem right hand. Im really mad.
I paid FOR EVERYTHING. Xbox, 2 controlers, wireless adapter, router to get live, and even the 13 months live cards (2 actually 1 for me and 1 for my bro) Well my brother says to me "relax relax... its no big deal. And plus, i got it brand new in August 2008 and got xbox live february 2009 Anyone have any reasons why it did it? its 1 red light in the bottem right corner

Re: my 1/2 year old xbox
03/19/09 5:00 pm | #2
1 red light means hardware failure. There is an easy way to find out which part of the Xbox 360 is not functioning, turn on the xbox then hold the wireless button and push the disk tray button the, the "Ring" should then show the first part of the code, press the disk tray button again for the 2nd part of the code, and push again for 3rd, then again for 4th. This link will show you if the code means anything. try it
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