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Archived: mw2 needs more gore.

Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games

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Re: mw2 needs more gore.
Burnt Waffle
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No it doesn't its fine just how it is because i said so and im right all the time so no it does NOT need any more gore. TY
Re: mw2 needs more gore.
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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I think that the game is best the way it is. As far as the single player story goes it's supposed to be tense and dramatic and I think that if limbs were flying off just wouldn't add that much to the game for all the extra work the studio would have to put in it.
Re: Re: mw2 needs more gore.
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:

Modern Warfare is trying to keep it a bit realistic isnt it ... i dont think flying limbs would be very realistic ... funny though xD

If you want flying limbs play Gears of War x]

I guess you have never seen somebody get shot. lol

Go to it.
2 10417
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