If you know how to play Jeopardy, skip the rules.
RULES: Pick a category, and answer it in the form of a question, and don't you forget that. (in other words, put "what is" or "who is" at the beginning of your responses.
If you cause mass confusion on the thread, I get to yell at you.

That's all the rules.
OK, this is Jeopardy with your host Super Hyper Alex! (FYI Alex isn't my real name)
Here are the categories:
Me like Board Games
Looks Familiar
More Random Video Game Shit
Crazy Fucking Rockstars
Yup, it's open
Making fun of you...
It's quite simple, the categories in red can't be picked until after a set amount of questions have been picked.
Whoever posts first gets to pick the first question...... or answer..... or whatever it is.