Archived: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: Red Hat- treasure 4X Help
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
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Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: Red Hat- treasure 4X Help
05/20/11 4:09 pm | #1
So this is whats going on, I've heard this from a number of people that some red hats in the game have not been turning up with/without extras being on. The one I'm having problems with is the red hat for Treasure 4X. It is in the left gold gated port area in the hub and it is typically behind a blackbeard red and black gate across from the well. When going inside, the red hat is suppose to be in the fish tank and by using a mermaid or Phillip using their screaming or singing to break the tank and it should appear. no matter what I do I cannot get it to appear so I can buy the thing. I'm 3 achievements away from completing the game and it is all because of this red hat. So if you have any advice or ideas for me to try all will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Re: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: Red Hat- treasure 4X Help
05/21/11 3:31 pm | #2
Couldn't tell you a solution at all. The dang thing unlocked like you described it should. Have you tried clearing your cache? Install/uninstall game from hard drive? That game is goofy, and I need to get around to fnishing it and gettin my 88pter to even out my achieve points.
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