Archived: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
Posted Under: Gaming
left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 10:44 am | #1
it was supposed to be 560 points but they took 800 are they giving out refunds
Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 11:00 am | #2
its says 800, which i thought i paid, if you go to you can check ALL your purchases and how much each item cost, and you will see they only took 560 MS, I know i freaked out when i saw that too. But I downloaded the DLC Sept. 29th first thing in the morning and thats what happened
Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 11:00 am | #3
yes?? It was a waist of ANY amount of points eaither way
Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 12:26 pm | #6
I haven't downloaded it yet and I don't know if I will for a while but this was supposed to be free (that's what valve wanted and probably why it wasn't that much content) but Microsoft of course had to jump in and say NO we are making you charge a set price for it. So you shouldn't be mad at Valve its Microsoft you should be mad at. If this were free would you complain about how much content there was?
Re: Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 12:31 pm | #7
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
I haven't downloaded it yet and I don't know if I will for a while but this was supposed to be free (that's what valve wanted and probably why it wasn't that much content) but Microsoft of course had to jump in and say NO we are making you charge a set price for it. So you shouldn't be mad at Valve its Microsoft you should be mad at. If this were free would you complain about how much content there was?
You cant complain about free stuff

Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 12:40 pm | #8
So what exactly does this DLC add to the game?
Re: Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 12:43 pm | #9
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
So what exactly does this DLC add to the game?
A new Chapter called "Crash Course" and new achievements. It's only 2 parts long where all the other Chapters that came with the original game had 4-5 parts to them.
Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 12:44 pm | #10
Paying money for achievements is the opposite of win/fun/succeed.
Re: Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 12:46 pm | #11
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Paying money for achievements is the opposite of win/fun/succeed.
Well like I said it was supposed to be free (and is free for PC) but microsoft had to stick their little grubby fingers in it and make money on it.
Big "SHAKE FIST" at microsoft.
Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 12:51 pm | #12
When it comes to extra content and user created content, 360 always seems to be in last place.
Re: Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 2:08 pm | #13
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
I haven't downloaded it yet and I don't know if I will for a while but this was supposed to be free (that's what valve wanted and probably why it wasn't that much content) but Microsoft of course had to jump in and say NO we are making you charge a set price for it. So you shouldn't be mad at Valve its Microsoft you should be mad at. If this were free would you complain about how much content there was?
its only free if you dont add achievements. but of course people got mad at valve because when they released the Survivor DLC, it was free, but had no achievements. and people were like "wtf, we want achievements!" so when valve made this one, they went to add achievements. BUT w/ microsofts policy, they HAD to make it cost money if they were going to add achievements.
so if youre going to blame ANYONE, blame those annoying fags who complained about the Survivor Pack not having achievements. if they hadnt said anything, valve woulda made this WITHOUT ACHIEVEMENTS, and it woulda been free. but of course no, you cant please everyone -_- so dont blame valve or MS, its those annoying complainers faults!
btw, i think the DLC was worth it. the achievements seem easily doable, but from what ive heard currently you cant get them online which makes the Versus achievements like 1830820x valve needs to patch that...
Re: Re: left for dead dlc 560 or 800 points
10/08/09 3:05 pm | #15
Quote by animefr33k:
That's not the point Taco, Microsoft has a retarded policy and there's some DLC (Bioshock) that has achievements (granted only 1) but they can make changes and set it to be free if they wanted to. I think we all know that's Microsoft's policy anyhow considering Nemesis said paying for achievements is retarded. Also I don't think anyone is blaming Valve, they're a great company.
also add Crackdown, Army of Two, and there are others that i cant think of right now, that had free DLC with Achievements. Crackdown added a lot of achievements for FREE