Closed: Left 4 Dead vs Left 4 Dead 2
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Left 4 Dead vs Left 4 Dead 2
07/21/10 3:29 pm | #1
The left 4 dead series is amazing and some of my favorite games but ones better. In my opinion l4d1 is better and they shouldve took more time on the game than just rushing it. I loved number 1 and its unforgettable game. Left 4 dead 2 was released November 17 2009 and number 1 came out september 29 that was in the same year . That was in the same year so they shouldve took their time.
Re: Left 4 Dead vs Left 4 Dead 2
07/21/10 3:37 pm | #2
L4D was released November 19th, 2008.
L4D2 was released November 16th, 2009.
L4D2 was released November 16th, 2009.
Re: Re: Left 4 Dead vs Left 4 Dead 2
07/21/10 3:47 pm | #4
Quote by Durtie:
Wait wait wait.......You think L4D2 came out two months after L4D?
That's what he said, lol!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Left 4 Dead vs Left 4 Dead 2
07/21/10 3:52 pm | #6
Quote by Durtie:
Well that would explain the shitty graphics!
Listen VaginaSteel, ya gotta do your research before posting a thread. Now that you know the game was released a year apart, it kinda makes this thread useless, am I right?

Listen VaginaSteel, ya gotta do your research before posting a thread. Now that you know the game was released a year apart, it kinda makes this thread useless, am I right?
You would be correct, sir.
Re: Left 4 Dead vs Left 4 Dead 2
07/21/10 3:57 pm | #7
Used the search bar. Found about 15 threads discussing L4D2.
Oddly enough also found a thread when searching "left 4 dead 2" that was about the OSU Texas game a couple years ago
Please try to keep these sort of discussions contained in the previously created threads.
Oddly enough also found a thread when searching "left 4 dead 2" that was about the OSU Texas game a couple years ago

Please try to keep these sort of discussions contained in the previously created threads.
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