Archived: L4D or L4D 2?
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L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 7:47 pm | #1
I'm thinking of picking up one of these games but since I've never played either I was wondering which people preferred?
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 7:51 pm | #2
L4D1 was a bit bland and lacked what L4D2 added.
L4D1 was a bit bland and lacked what L4D2 added.
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 7:52 pm | #3
L4D2. It has everything L4D had and more.
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 7:52 pm | #4
It has more to offer IMO.
But you can get L4D1 for like $25 now...
so id say go both if you can. If not though....go L4D2
It has more to offer IMO.
But you can get L4D1 for like $25 now...
so id say go both if you can. If not though....go L4D2
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 7:56 pm | #5
+Another reason.
A lot more people have L4D2 so it would be easier to find a game with people then on L4D1
A lot more people have L4D2 so it would be easier to find a game with people then on L4D1
Re: Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 7:57 pm | #6
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
It has more to offer IMO.
But you can get L4D1 for like $25 now...
so id say go both if you can. If not though....go L4D2
It has more to offer IMO.
But you can get L4D1 for like $25 now...
so id say go both if you can. If not though....go L4D2
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 8:04 pm | #7
Alright sweet I'll probably check out L4D 2 then or maybe pick up both who knows

Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 8:35 pm | #8
Neither, lol. If you REALLY want one. I'd get 2. 600 times better than 1. Way easier cheeves too.
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 8:45 pm | #9
I guess I disagree with everyone else.
I say get L4D 1 since I didn't think 2 was that much better. Might as well get the first one right now for cheap and then if you love it you can get the second one later on when the price drops.
I say get L4D 1 since I didn't think 2 was that much better. Might as well get the first one right now for cheap and then if you love it you can get the second one later on when the price drops.
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/04/10 8:51 pm | #10
I like both of them. Be honest If you not sure you will like them I would buy the first one and see if you like it. If not then your not out the $60 for the cost of the 2nd one. Better yet rent both games and see which one you like better. I still play both of them.
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/05/10 9:33 pm | #11
Wait for next years lfd3
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/05/10 9:38 pm | #12
there is a new expansion coming out bringing the old crew into l4d2 so you can have best of both worlds
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/05/10 9:45 pm | #13
Second one. I honestly cant imagine playing L4D 1 again. Even though I will for achievements eventually.
Re: L4D or L4D 2?
01/05/10 10:17 pm | #14
i just borrowed L4D from a friend. its not too bad i suppose, but i hate that if you die, you go ALL the way back to the last safe house... and that could be a good 20 minutes away
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