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Archived: Killer Twilight

Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Killer Twilight
Burnt Waffle
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Welcome to XBA buddy. Hope you and Rayne have some fun around here.
Re: Killer Twilight
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Re: Killer Twilight
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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@KingKoracin I know we will. Thank you.

@DeafeningLime Thank you Lime!

@Mudkip Thank you very much Mudkip. I always did enjoy this site and just got very tied up in my life and where I was going. I am currently back to my gamer self and enjoying it very much. I look forward to having many discussions with you and the other great members of XA that I have come to love.

Re: Killer Twilight
360Voice Group
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Welcome to XBA! hope ya like it!

-btw that was a long intro.. i LIKED IT :p
Re: Killer Twilight
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Burnt Waffle
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Bronze Waffle
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Silver Waffle
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Holy intro! Welcome to the site Twilight!
Re: Killer Twilight
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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WELCOME FRIEND... Would you care to try the pudding?

Because apparently Crooklyn is slackin' up a storm!
Re: Killer Twilight
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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I would love to thank everyone for the extraordinary welcomes. As most of ya'll can hopefully see, I actually joined about two years ago. I have had a very weird and busy schedule almost from the time of joining. Since then though, I have been trying to get on when I can and read as many posts as I could. I never did have the time to respond though. I like to create well though out, inspirational, informational posts. I now have a bit more time and would like to start adding to the already wonderful community that I have come to love from the sidelines.

@Meta Crackdown 2 is wonderful. Not as original as the first one. A bit more annoying that the original as well. That would be my review personality taking over, sorry. Honestly, it's really fun. My girlfriend and I both enjoy it very much. It is nice to find something that we can both hang out on without be swarmed by the masses of annoying, immature players on a lot of the live games.

@Meta Blacklight would definitely be a killer game, especially since it was created for the XBLA. My only despair is that the community is not strong enough right now. When you actually find a lobby (which was pretty impressive to find a lobby because of the low amount of players), they are almost completely silent. Though I will not argue that this is a bad thing, as compared to the previously mentioned lobbies in the previous paragraph, I would honestly rather choose loud lobbies as compared to silent.

@PureEvil x21 I do not spam, flame, etc., etc. I have read it and enjoyed the information very much. I plan on bringing the best of myself to this great community. Not give ya'll reason to assign me a baby sitter (joke, for those with lack of humor =])

@Durtie @Aker 86 Thank you both very much. My introduction was just me being me. I appreciate the kind words and I hope it allowed you to see somewhat as to what kind of person I am.
Re: Re: Killer Twilight
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

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360Voice Group
360Voice Group

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Community Player
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Quote by Killer Twilight:

@Meta Crackdown 2 is wonderful. Not as original as the first one. A bit more annoying that the original as well. That would be my review personality taking over, sorry. Honestly, it's really fun. My girlfriend and I both enjoy it very much. It is nice to find something that we can both hang out on without be swarmed by the masses of annoying, immature players on a lot of the live games.

Wait wait wait.. You mean like the swarms of whiny little kids that bought Crackdown 1 for the Halo 3 beta? :rofl:
Re: Re: Re: Killer Twilight
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

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Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

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Quote by Crustyhippy:

Quote by Killer Twilight:

@Meta Crackdown 2 is wonderful. Not as original as the first one. A bit more annoying that the original as well. That would be my review personality taking over, sorry. Honestly, it's really fun. My girlfriend and I both enjoy it very much. It is nice to find something that we can both hang out on without be swarmed by the masses of annoying, immature players on a lot of the live games.

Wait wait wait.. You mean like the swarms of whiny little kids that bought Crackdown 1 for the Halo 3 beta? :rofl:

That would be one example, though I was not specifically referring to anyone one individual game. It was more so a shot at the Live community (as what I, my friends, and their friends) have all experienced. Not saying that the Live community is not great, there are A LOT of wonderful people out there that I have met. Most of the lobbies that I get in on a general occasion seemed to be filled with what we were originally discussing.

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