Archived: just joining
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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just joining
11/20/07 9:13 pm | #1
i was told of this site through fragemandsmile, a good friend of mine, at the moment i am temporarily out of commission, my 360 bit the big one, cannot complain a first edition system that lasted almost 3 years with no problems, i will be back up the first of december hopefully, i have a goal i want to reach 30k gamerpoints but my system decided otherwise. anyway once i am up i would be glad to start up any games with anyone, was about to finish halo3 until d day happened

Re: just joining
11/20/07 9:33 pm | #2
welcome to the community. sucks about yur xbox
Re: just joining
11/20/07 9:54 pm | #3
Welcome man feel free to add me on live! when your xbox gets back

Re: just joining
11/20/07 10:00 pm | #4
welcome!! you can talk about games here and chat with really cool people, DOESN'T THAT SOUND FUN
Re: just joining
11/20/07 10:02 pm | #5
welcome O(

Re: just joining
11/20/07 10:22 pm | #6
Re: just joining
11/20/07 10:34 pm | #7
welcome to the site may your 360 rest in peace
thanks for the welcome
11/21/07 12:13 am | #8
thanks guys for welcoming me in, like i said once i get my new console i should be up running again
Re: just joining
11/21/07 11:22 am | #9
welcom trust me this site is cool i like coming here during school like now
(accounting class is so easy i sugest taking it plus u get free time on the comp when you finish or are waitin for instructions)
(accounting class is so easy i sugest taking it plus u get free time on the comp when you finish or are waitin for instructions)
Re: just joining
11/21/07 11:45 am | #10
Quote by Tha MasterCheif:
welcom trust me this site is cool i like coming here during school like now
(accounting class is so easy i sugest taking it plus u get free time on the comp when you finish or are waitin for instructions)
(accounting class is so easy i sugest taking it plus u get free time on the comp when you finish or are waitin for instructions)
i'll keep that in mind lol
Re: just joining
11/21/07 11:54 pm | #11
welcome to xba
Re: just joining
11/22/07 12:02 am | #12
Welcome Lord Redneck the Mud Cat I
May your servant Goldy-first edition-locks 360 rest in peace, As soon as I heard the news a bought some flowers, hope you get a better servant...But he wont replace the service that poor III year old Goldy handed to you!
Happy 30k's from you humble Punisher LOL
p.s We'll finish Halo as soon as you get a new Elite!(you can add me on live any time)
May your servant Goldy-first edition-locks 360 rest in peace, As soon as I heard the news a bought some flowers, hope you get a better servant...But he wont replace the service that poor III year old Goldy handed to you!
Happy 30k's from you humble Punisher LOL
p.s We'll finish Halo as soon as you get a new Elite!(you can add me on live any time)
Re: just joining
11/22/07 1:10 pm | #13
Welcome there!, why is it that almost everyone new has a broken xbox?
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