June Community Spotlight: Bomb Armed. Bomb Defused. Bomb Reset.

It’s June people, you know what that means. No, it doesn’t it is graduation time for all the high school kids. And no, it doesn’t mean summer is almost here. Pfft. Outside? That’s where all the weird people are. Here at Xbox America, a new month means…a new Community Spotlight! I, Aldemar, have searched high and low through the craggy mountains that are the forums and member pages; scouring for the best and brightest. And then I put the best and brightest in a test chamber and gave one a spoon. That was early last month. I don’t know what happened to them, but who the hell cares? Thus, I continued my quest to find this month’s Community Spotlight. After crossing several seas and oceans of flame, and a rather ballsy airplane flight over England; I’d like you to put your hands together for this month’s Community Spotlight: EnemyBritBomber!
(I swear, if the FBI comes a-knockin’ about missing people, I’m not here. Also I blame Meta.)
Aldemar: So. Brit, I think I can speak for some when I ask "What is up with the gamertag?" I mean, EnemyBritBomber? Do you have a long standing vendetta with the English Colonial government?
EBB: Good Question, wrong thought lol (Interviewer’s Note: Although Merriam and Webster approve of that word, I still don’t believe it!). I am originally from England (Great Britain) but moved to Florida when i was 11. My gamertag came about in a few ways, it was a mixture of thoughts. I wanted to represent where I came from, and a lot of my friends called me "The Bomb" because when someone made me angry I blew up on them big style (Note: That’s what she said). So around came names including British Bomb, Brit The Bomb, Tha Bomb Brit. None of these suited my liking. The next step was Brit Bomber, it felt right. Still, I thought it needed a little tweak. After a few hours of thought, with no luck, I played halo 3 on a friend’s tag. Right after playing, a guy was in the post-game lobby talking to someone at his house. He spoke the tag I was playing on and said “He's the enemy, he's the bad guy, the one I’m going after”. I remember it well; I had a perfection with the sniper on High Ground. It was then that it clicked when I said it aloud, “I am the EnemyBritBomber”.
A: Quite the origin story there. So, now that we know you aren't out to complete the Gunpowder Plot, how did you find your way here? Was it the Staff's irresistible charm? Or was it...you know..."those leaderboard card thingies look cool!"?
EBB: Yes I quite badly failed the Gunpowder plot the first time, ‘twas a few years back...

A: Interesting. So it seems that you are quite the charitable guy. What are you like when you aren't in your online persona? Why don't you tell us about that little Brit who grew up in Florida.
EBB: Yes, im quite charitable, it's been taken advantage of before.

A: I'm sure you could write a novel on your adventures in life.

EBB: Oh yes, a novel, with a lot of controversies for the USA government... What I do for fun. Well I’m a mechanic so I love working on my 1993 Chevy Silverado stepside, I have done everything to that truck. Painted it myself, built the motor and transmission myself, massive stereo myself. It's my pride and joy. Other than that, I play darts, kickball with family and friends, Skip-bo, Yahtzee, chat up the ladies…

A: So you're into body work and case mods? What would you say is the most impressive case you've done for an Xbox?

EBB: The most impressive one is definitely the Gears Of War 3 one, and that’s saying a lot since it's not even done yet. Some preview pictures can be seen on the Game4Fame Facebook page. Some of the features are a rugged cog tag, LEDs and the cut out seen in the picture. Sorry but I can't give out too many spoilers... The box will be for sale but it will have to be a local pick up as I will not risk shipping it. I still have to design the controller to go with it... *Mind thinking of ideas*
A: Well, I'll keep you in mind in case I need something epically epic. So I'm going out on a limb here and going to say that you're looking forward to Gears 3 this year?
EB: I AM looking forward to Gears 3 this year, I’m not looking forward to anymore crap-time-wasting achievements from the Gears 3rd instalment (Note: Seriously? Haha see what I did there?). I love the Gears campaign but the online is not for me.... Although I will have to say the Beta felt different, I did enjoy the online. Maybe it was because I wasn't getting host shotgunned or dive shotgunned and I was actually doing good. I hope it stays that way and I will enjoy it. But I know I will enjoy the campaign. I may not be able to get it launch but eventually I will. Are you looking forward to it???
A: I thought the Beta was okay. Gears 3 isn't going to be a day one purchase for myself. What is your least favourite achievement from the second one?
EBB: Green As Grass... Kidding. Annex: Now With Execution Rules was completely annoying. Just ridiculous... Could be winning a match by far and events just cause a massive turn around and cause a loss on a map you needed. The way I finally got it was my friend in Australia got in games on the Aussie server against bots cause no one was playing and if it was the right map, he would invite me and go from there. 9/10 we would be winning and then lose, then wouldn’t get the map we needed. Was just the most ridiculous achievement ever... I lost sleep over it and we played for hours on end....
A: I think I speak for a lot of people when I say "DAMN YOU MULTIPLAYER ACHIEEMENTS!!!" Negativity aside, what is the best achievement story you have?
EBB: The best achievement story i have hmmmmm.... Well I wouldn’t say it’s a story and interesting, but Burnout Revenge Perfecting all the events.... I would get so upset racing through a race without hitting anything going as fast as I could and then being split seconds shy, then every try after that one seemed to get worse and worse, wrecks, not fast enough, first corner crashes. I'm not one to throw my controllers but that game put me the closest to doing that. In the end, I would just take a break, calm down, but still be persistent. In my head I kept saying I’m done with this game; I can't do this anymore. Then I think, no I’m not giving up... Finally I got everything done. The only other achievement story I have is Boosting Seriously and the Darkness with the guys; bunch of goons. But that’s what makes boosting those tiresome achievements better is good guys with some good chatter, and some Taylor Swift singing here and there... (Names won’t be mentioned)
A: Well at least they don't sing along to Ke$ha. Ha ha.
I'm gonna throw you a random and say this: If you could live in one game universe, which one would you pick and why?
EBB: now that is a good question. When you ask that a couple come to mind. I will say one of the ones to mind but not my final pick, a possible one is Red Dead Redemption, but I’m put off by if I lived in that universe and was John Marston, well ya'll who know, know... Dragon Age would be a possibility..... BUT my final pick I would have to say Fable II. I would pick this because it is one of my favorite games, and just the possibilities... I could get fat on pie. Be good or evil, run around and do good by killing hobbe's and werewolves. Having the ability to conjure magic intrigues me. Make millions from buying and renting houses, all the while getting drunk with 6 or more people

A: I had terrible luck with that dog. And then some bastard shot him and I wasn't even allowed to exact revenge. You know, I'd have figured you for Mass Effect.

EBB: Ahahah, Aldemar.... Mass Effect is on my shelf and I have yet to play it, so it could take the place of Fable II. We will see... I do that with games I know I will like, I put them off ‘til I can spend the most time on them and actually enjoy them to the fullest. I did it with Dragon age, Fallout, Bioshock, Assassin's creed. But back to the question, lol at your spelling of favo(u)rite, how you spell it in England. Favorite game EVER, hmmmm, I will have to say, because of how many times I have replayed it, and still do lol... Dark Cloud is my favorite game ever, I know kinda weird. It's another Action- Rpg, I played it with a friend of mine when I was younger, it was his, well his parents bought it for him, and after playing it for a few hours a day while I was over there I made him a solid cold hard cash offer of $10 when it was still fairly new. He took the $10 as he wasn't much into the game. Definitely the best hours-per-cents ratio of a game I have ever bought... Played through it 6, on my 7th play through at about 50-70 hours a play through. What I like about it, is being able to be in control of customizing weapons, building a village, looting off of dead corpses (I like getting something as a reward for a kill and it being a surprise). Playing different characters, using different abilities, being poisoned, being cursed racing around for cures, and being the good vs. evil to save the villages. I have still yet to get Dark Cloud 2 because it's a rare find

A: Well I'm sure someone out there could help. Speaking of which; any shoutouts before we go?
EBB: Yeah, definitely got some shout outs. Want to first congratulate the Norris' on their anniversary this month. Want to thank my best friend and part sponsor Feared Aussie; Mini for being such an awesome partner, and you for this interview.
Glad you could do the interview Brit. So folks, that’s it for this month. Comment below and don’t forget to send votes to Minioger or myself for next month’s Community Spotlight. Or else we’ll make you play Sneak King.