Archived: I need a new gamertag
Posted Under: Deeper Discussions
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 6:52 pm | #2
Well if you can afford the points, change the name on your other tag to something random, then change your current one to WarTownDemon
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 6:54 pm | #3
WafflerOfWarTown (If you luv wafflez!!)
WarTownDemon2.0 (not sure if periods are elligible)
WarTown(favorite food here)
WarTown(favorite activity here)
WafflerOfWarTown (If you luv wafflez!!)
WarTownDemon2.0 (not sure if periods are elligible)
WarTown(favorite food here)
WarTown(favorite activity here)
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 7:00 pm | #4
Demon Of WarTown?
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 9:23 pm | #8
War Town Hero
GAs War Town
War Towns Demon
Demon Town War
GA War Demon
War Town GA
untamed wartown
untamed demon
idk, random stuff xD
GAs War Town
War Towns Demon
Demon Town War
GA War Demon
War Town GA
untamed wartown
untamed demon
idk, random stuff xD
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 9:57 pm | #9
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 11:35 pm | #10
Any gamertag with:
Is lame in my opinion along with tags sp3ll3d l1k3 th1s.
If you really want WarTownDemon just space it out. War Town Demon
Is lame in my opinion along with tags sp3ll3d l1k3 th1s.
If you really want WarTownDemon just space it out. War Town Demon
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 11:50 pm | #11
Oh I see, I'm lame
Yeah I'd go with WarTownDemons, seems the closest to your original idea.
Yeah I'd go with WarTownDemons, seems the closest to your original idea.
Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 11:51 pm | #12
I think you should use da1337nesMonstr... I hear it's going to be available soon .
Re: Re: I need a new gamertag
06/26/10 11:56 pm | #13
Quote by Aidan :
Oh I see, I'm lame
Yeah I'd go with WarTownDemons, seems the closest to your original idea.
Yeah I'd go with WarTownDemons, seems the closest to your original idea.
The whole time I was typing that I was thing about you. lmao I was like meh he probably won't see it anyway.
I honestly like your tag it's really quite clever (even though you are changing it). I was mainly talking about x1337Hackor and tags like that.
Re: Re: I need a new gamertag
06/27/10 12:10 am | #15
Quote by Durtie:
Well War Town Demon is taken, so I can't use it. WarTownDemons is taken so I'm going with War Town Demonz. Im not into devils and shit. My town is called Warner Robins, we call it War Town for short. My highschool mascot was the Demons. So thats where WarTownDemon came from. Not because I like demons and stuff. So lucifer and devil doesn't work. The crazies was filmed at my other highschool. Maybe WarTownCrazies, lol. Naw, War Town Demonz it is. thanks guys.Or maybe I'll go with Untamed Talent? lol
Nahhhh, I hear anyone with 'talent' in their gamertag blows ass! Like people with MLG or PRO as well...