Archived: How's Homefront?
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How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:13 pm | #1
Just rented Homefront and Dance Central (which is fun but it was more for the lady to play). Gunna play homefront later when she's done. Just wondering how the game is, SP and MP. Anyone have quick feedback?
Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:29 pm | #2
Pick one that isn't yours.
Pick one that isn't yours.
Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:32 pm | #3
I hear Dance Central is better than Homefront.

Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:33 pm | #4
Yea, everyone I know that got Homefront returned it pretty quickly.
Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:46 pm | #5
Dance central is really fucking fun at the moment. Homefront, idk i guess its gunna suck whatever. Good thing I rented it.
Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:50 pm | #6
i got homefront i like it its not like constant like black ops all cod's end up the same to me i like a change of pace though so i still have my homefront just havent played it in awhile have to many games to work on lol
Re: Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:53 pm | #7
Quote by Zulwarn420:
i got homefront i like it its not like constant like black ops all cod's end up the same to me i like a change of pace though so i still have my homefront just havent played it in awhile have to many games to work on lol

Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:55 pm | #8
no thanks it waste of time lol
Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:55 pm | #9
I heard homefront sucks.
Re: How's Homefront?
05/05/11 11:59 pm | #10
it was bad when it first came out cause they didnt expect so many people buying the game and playing it online and the servers were bad but they fixed it and i think its fine i like it ive played it more then black ops latley
Re: How's Homefront?
05/06/11 12:03 am | #11
Meh i sold it like 2 weeks after getting 870 gs being rank 60 something and having 2 achieves left it got really boring theres not enough maps and never heard of any DLC being expected
Re: How's Homefront?
05/06/11 12:09 am | #12
Rented it for a day. Loss interest in it after a couple hours
Re: How's Homefront?
05/06/11 1:00 am | #13
Story was new, campaign was way too short, didn't play much online because I didn't want to pay an extra $10 for a battle code just to play on LIVE
Re: How's Homefront?
05/06/11 1:22 am | #14
horrible thought campaign was shitty and MP's filled with nothing but campers and horrible gameplay
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