Archived: how did you start to game?
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: how did you start to game?
08/06/10 12:34 am | #16
Oh man do I have some stories. But Ill keep it short. Went through 2 nintendos, a super nes, sega genesis, pc, playstation, xbox and now a on my fifth 360. lol but it all started when I was a wee one lol I guess the story goes that mom and dad brought over an atari and let me play it a little and I was hooked right then and there. I dont remember the atari though. all I remember is the countless hours of zombies ate my neighbors, Super mario 3, Sonic the Hedgehog, twisted metal, resident evil, Halo, and finally UNO for 9 MONTHS STRAIGHT!!
Re: how did you start to game?
08/06/10 12:41 am | #17
My brothers and I started with a ColecoVision to play in the living room and an old Commodore64 drive that we hooked up to our 8 inch black & white tv to play in our bedroom.
Re: how did you start to game?
08/06/10 4:13 am | #19
Started out playing Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt. Didn't seriously get into gaming until I played the first Command & Conquer.