Closed: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
07/26/10 2:45 pm | #2
Hi, hope you enjoy your live and xba experience.
Re: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
07/26/10 2:54 pm | #4
Bienvenidos al Sitio!
Re: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
07/26/10 3:05 pm | #6
Hola and welcome! Enjoy your gold membership when you get it.
Re: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
07/26/10 3:08 pm | #7
You really should have changed your gamer tag again before coming back Christian. You'll probably be gone again soon.
This is from your thread about changing your name.
This is from your thread about changing your name.
Quote by Cristian:
I MADE UP MY MINE I DECIDED TO TAKE MY CAREER TO SOUTH BEACH NAH JK I DECIDED TO GO WITH KiNgCrIsTiAn316 the kingcristian is like king james and cristian is my name and the 316 is the numbers of dwade and bosh and james and its the digit of stone cold steve austin so what u think?
Re: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
07/26/10 3:23 pm | #11
Multiple accounts are a bannable offense. You should have just changed your name in the user cp instead of deleting your account, making a new account and a new intro thread. And acting like your new when your not.
Re: Re: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
07/26/10 3:26 pm | #12
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Multiple accounts are a bannable offense. You should have just changed your name in the user cp instead of deleting your account, making a new account and a new intro thread. And acting like your new when your not.
I hereby remove my welcome post
Re: Re: Hola Amigos Como Estas?
07/26/10 3:44 pm | #14
Quote by Kingcristian316:
oh your cool calling me a tool talk on the internet all u want makin u look all tough im so scared and it aint like created like 5 accounts on here and deleted them all and created another its only one account that i deleted so hop off and im still kid of new here i created that account like 4 days ago and im not on here everyday 24/7 to know the rules on this website im only here for making events for people to play with me and my friends and to help people out with achivements now if u dont want that type of person on this website then its whatever idc im not here to argue i dont got time to argue with people like u so much drama in this world man i wish they all grow up (its a bannable offense) wutever if im going to get ban then i mind as well close my account and never come back here again. I hve 2 accounts and they are different i just wanted to have like a account thats more like private on here so people dont know what my main account is so thats y i deleted my other gamertag off here
I cant believe this huge wall text only has ONE period.