Closed: hello my name is Skull
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 1:51 am | #1
Hello..My name is Skull.I'm an addict.I never really had a chance.My mother would "use"(thats how she would put it) while she was pregnant."Just a little here and there",but that was enough.My parents continued their habbit throught my childhood.I started around 5 years old...I started lite.Just a few hours a day.Using the very same product of their choice.I was young & didnt know any better.First pacman & astroblast.Then sonic & metal slug.I thought i could control it.Then came GTA.
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 2:31 am | #3
But your other account isn't banned yet!
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 2:42 am | #4
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 2:42 am | #5
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 7:58 am | #6
Dude, seriously?
You do realize that if you are also Skull x360a, which you probably are, that you just got both your accounts banned, right?
Here comes 10 and 11......
You do realize that if you are also Skull x360a, which you probably are, that you just got both your accounts banned, right?
Here comes 10 and 11......
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 8:40 am | #7
Welcome and maybe
Re: Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 10:51 am | #9
Quote by lvemybaybee:
Welcome and maybe
not a moment too soon
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 11:02 am | #10
Hey Skull I know you was pwning "nubs" as you say with your other account, will you be pwning n00bs with this one? LOL Couldn't resist again, I apologize.
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 11:04 am | #11
Re: Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 11:07 am | #12
Quote by Bad Mojo 1974:
Hey Skull I know you was pwning "nubs" as you say with your other account, will you be pwning n00bs with this one? LOL Couldn't resist again, I apologize.
from the look at this gamerscore I think the only "nub" he will be pwning is going to be his own
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 11:27 am | #13
Goodbye Skull! Enjoy your (remaining) years here at XBA.

Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 11:37 am | #14
Well thank you for being an idiot and making a second account almost matching your other one perfectly. Thanks and goodbye.
Re: hello my name is Skull
04/10/10 11:52 am | #15