Closed: he is a lie??!!??!!
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 5:36 pm | #1
the so called young 13 yeard old japanese boy is supposedly the best guitar hero player in the world... but that a lie. he is the best "guitar" player for guitar hero.... if he is the best guitar player, who is the best bassist? or as a matter of fact the best drummer? or heck even the best singer. that 13 yeard old japanese boy is not the best guitar hero player in the world but the best guitar"ist" in the world. if any one else has any videos of some drummers or singers or at least a better bassist then plz post any video at will
Re: he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 5:37 pm | #2
Umm... Who cares?
Re: he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 5:39 pm | #3
Seriously who gives a rats ass?
Re: he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 5:40 pm | #4
I'm confused.. Best guitarist hero guitar drum/singer player. Wut?
Re: he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 5:56 pm | #8
Nobody cares anymore about GH players. GuitarHeroPhenom, JLC, Iamchris4life, & Beberle2 are all anybody talks about anymore as the best GH players. And since the GH franchise is going down the tube, there isn't anymore hype left to the game unless the new releases are any good.
Re: he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 6:42 pm | #11
Quote by kingnick236:
the so called young 13 yeard old japanese boy is supposedly the best guitar hero player in the world... but that a lie. he is the best "guitar" player for guitar hero.... if he is the best guitar player, who is the best bassist? or as a matter of fact the best drummer? or heck even the best singer. that 13 yeard old japanese boy is not the best guitar hero player in the world but the best guitar"ist" in the world. if any one else has any videos of some drummers or singers or at least a better bassist then plz post any video at will

Re: he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 6:51 pm | #12
So he's good at "Simon"?

Re: Re: he is a lie??!!??!!
06/26/10 7:54 pm | #13
Quote by AJ:
Umm... Who cares?