Archived: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/06/11 10:01 am | #2
new halo? imokwiththis.png
some other company that isnt 343 and that ive never heard of making it? notsureifwant.jpg
some other company that isnt 343 and that ive never heard of making it? notsureifwant.jpg
Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/06/11 10:33 am | #3
Would be nice if they did make a remake was my first xbox game to play =]
Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/06/11 11:22 am | #5
"" That sounds like a very valid news source!
I do like how the news include the game to be presented in 1080p, correct me if i'm wrong but isn't about 95% of 360 and/or Sony games in that format by now?
Now 3D there's something I want, a pop up book Halo game.
I also love how on the home page there is a story about no more Halo games just DLC this year!
I do like how the news include the game to be presented in 1080p, correct me if i'm wrong but isn't about 95% of 360 and/or Sony games in that format by now?
Now 3D there's something I want, a pop up book Halo game.
I also love how on the home page there is a story about no more Halo games just DLC this year!
Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/06/11 5:54 pm | #7
Nice. I'm sure within the next month, we'll find out if it's true.
Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/08/11 4:22 pm | #8
It sounds cool but I will believe it when I see it.
Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/08/11 5:43 pm | #9
if it isn't true, im gonna have to get revenge on the rumor spreaders, because there is already shit running down my leg!
Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/08/11 8:11 pm | #10
I still have a copy of Halo CE.
Re: Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/09/11 3:43 pm | #11
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I still have a copy of Halo CE.
I just can't give up any of my copies of Halo. I never play any of them anymore, they just sit there and collect dust. With the exception of Reach.
Re: Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/09/11 3:46 pm | #12
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I still have a copy of Halo CE.
same. also Halo 2 with the map pack disc. i cant wait for this remake! (will achieves make it onto the remake?

Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/09/11 3:51 pm | #13
Rumor is yes.
Re: Re: Halo Combat Evolved Remake Release Date in ’11
02/09/11 3:53 pm | #14
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Rumor is yes.
achievement whores, REJOICE!
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