Archived: guitar hero cheap?
Posted Under: Gaming
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guitar hero cheap?
04/12/07 11:31 pm | #1
okay I played this game at my local walmart and had a blast but I can not get myself to spend $90 on the game. Does any one know were a sale is going on for this game or maybe knows how I can get one for a little cheaper?
Re: guitar hero cheap?
04/13/07 12:08 am | #2
I got it today at Sam's Club for $77. Of course, you have to be a member which costs 30 bucks a year, but that pays for itself within the first purchase.
Re: guitar hero cheap?
04/13/07 1:34 pm | #3
sweet! I never thought of that, my mom and dad are some fancy title at costo like "executive business members"
So I might have to go pick this thing up.

Re: guitar hero cheap?
09/07/07 8:08 pm | #4
ya thats where i found it
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