Archived: gta V.S saintsrow
Posted Under: Gaming
gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 1:22 am | #1
Ok personally i like them both but my friend says gta is better because sr is a "ripoff" but its not like gta is going to be the only type of game so im asking you to tell me what you think
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 1:47 am | #2
Technically just about every game is a rip off of some part of another game. Personally I actually like SR more than GTA even though GTAs been around much longer. I just had way more fun playing SR and actually completed both of em, I have yet to beat GTA 4
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 1:56 am | #3
I like GTA 4's storyline more, but just like Saint's a bit more than GTA 4.
And Btw y did he get banned?
And Btw y did he get banned?
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 2:05 am | #4
Idk, was wondering the same thing haha
Re: Re: Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 2:35 am | #7
Quote by Melissa Evol:
As for why he got banned- let this be a warning for all you people who don't feel a need to punctuate your sentences!!!!

Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 2:36 am | #8
I played the shit outta both GTA4 and SR2 but absolutely hated the 1st Saints Row. I probably put a few more hours into GTA4 and 100%'d it. I DL'd The Lost & the Damned but not The Ballad of Gay Tony and sit at 1130/1500G 48/65 cheevos . I actually liked the Lost & Damned story a helluva lot more than Niko's but I must be the only one who still liked Niko's story. It was the American Dream gone totally wrong. The only MP I really got into was the hardcore races where you had weapons.
I took over the whole town and completed the story in SR2 and ended up with 475/1250G on only 25/60 cheevos after getting sick of trying to do all the advanced levels of the side jobs and challenges. I liked the character customization but I felt I got a lot more out of playing GTA4 and not just because I got more cheevos. The dlc for SR2 is one of the fucking biggest wastes of microsoft points ever and I'm ashamed I that I paid for it just to get a few more achievements. I didn't like how there were so many co-op and MP cheevos either.
I took over the whole town and completed the story in SR2 and ended up with 475/1250G on only 25/60 cheevos after getting sick of trying to do all the advanced levels of the side jobs and challenges. I liked the character customization but I felt I got a lot more out of playing GTA4 and not just because I got more cheevos. The dlc for SR2 is one of the fucking biggest wastes of microsoft points ever and I'm ashamed I that I paid for it just to get a few more achievements. I didn't like how there were so many co-op and MP cheevos either.
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 2:43 am | #10
Didnt help that the coop achieves in SR2 are glitched, not sure if theyre fixed now. But at the time I had my character maxed out and my friend was just starting the game so naturally I brought my leveled up character into his game and we went through all the missions for the first gang achieve for me but he got his. Havent played coop on it since haha.
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 8:23 am | #11
I really like both games but when it comes down to it I like saints row 2 more than GTA4
Re: Re: Re: gta V.S saintsrow
07/21/10 10:24 am | #12
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Ellahjay88:
For me SR>GTA....or at least with the newer one(s). Didn't care for GTA4 like I thought I would whereas SR2 is amazing!! Just my opinion though.
I agree.
As for why he got banned- let this be a warning for all you people who don't feel a need to punctuate your sentences!!!!
Hahahah! If only that were true!
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
08/01/10 12:29 am | #13
Anyone that bandies about terms for games like "ripoff" are looking for excuses to hate those games. Arguably, Grand Theft Auto games aren't that original themselves; ever since GTA III, the series has borrowed heavily from other 'shooter' games. In short, your friend is being a dick...
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
08/01/10 12:41 am | #14
gta hands down.
Re: gta V.S saintsrow
08/01/10 12:44 am | #15
Yea it doesnt even really matter, if you dont like GTA or Saints Row dont play either of them, I myself dont care for fighting games too much so u kno what I do about it? I dont buy them lol I just rent em if I even play em at all, thats why there are 100 racks of games to choose from at gamestop