Archived: GH: World Tour
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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GH: World Tour
04/30/10 7:42 pm | #1
hey anyone still play GH: world tour? I still need to get most of the online band achievements for that game and no one plays, i prefer to find people who can do expert guitar/bass, vocals, and drums so we can get the 100% on hard achievement, i can play on expert bass/guitar but can only FC a few songs on hard so if any of you are willing to help me out and can FC with the vocals, drums and guitar/bass, let me know. ID like to get these done and outta the way, GT bobblehead jay
Re: GH: World Tour
05/02/10 11:52 am | #2
Hey, I've played GH forever and if you need the achievements (an I do too), we can hook up sometime this week.
Re: GH: World Tour
05/02/10 12:29 pm | #3
I'm down, add me on XBL, I'll play whenever.
Re: GH: World Tour
05/02/10 6:21 pm | #4
I can also play this game, just bought it for $5! Hit me up and add my gamertag and we can play. I play Expert on all instruments.
Re: GH: World Tour
05/03/10 10:02 am | #5
Im in if its not too late

Re: GH: World Tour
05/03/10 9:54 pm | #6
when will we play?
Re: GH: World Tour
05/05/10 6:38 pm | #7
its never too late, i've tried a few times but everyone keeps bailing out
Re: GH: World Tour
05/07/10 10:25 am | #8
just tell me a day and I can play, maybe tonight on Friday.
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