Archived: Gears 2 level reset?
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Gears 2 level reset?
02/20/10 11:19 am | #1
So i signed onto Gears 2 to play some multiplayer last night and my level was reset from my previous 52 to 1 and it seemed like all my achievement progress was reset even though i already have most of the achieves unlocked. I haven't played in a few months so i was wonderin did they reset the levels or is somethin just messed up with my gears 2 info? Any way to fix this?
Re: Gears 2 level reset?
02/20/10 11:30 am | #2
That sucks to hear man, I think you're screwed... I don't think anyone's ever come back from a reset

Re: Gears 2 level reset?
02/20/10 11:52 am | #3
yea it even reset my progress on my seriously 2.0 even though my save files are still present. No idea why this happened.
Re: Gears 2 level reset?
02/20/10 11:55 am | #4
Same thing happened to me, not to the extent as yours has though. I was nearly complete with Assassin's Creed 2 and I went to play it and it made me start from the beginning, so I took it back to GameStop, lol!
Re: Gears 2 level reset?
02/20/10 12:00 pm | #5
Happened to me about a month into the game, all my kills, rounds, achievement progress was erased but not my online. I always that that had something to do with recovering your account on another persons xbox or using your harddrive on a different one. It seems like everytime I used to do that one of my games would be erased. Happened to Crackdown, had all but 1 agility orb, then it was erased. Went back in hopes to finding it and my memory wasnt there. Im pretty sure that happened to a few other games for me but just cant remember since it happened a while ago. Since then I stopped recovering my GT at friends house's or using my harddrive at other places and it hasnt happened since.
Re: Gears 2 level reset?
02/20/10 12:35 pm | #6
They did it because they think you're a cheater D:
Re: Re: Gears 2 level reset?
03/25/11 10:48 pm | #8
Quote by BIGP 6:
this shit just happened to me my rank says 1 but all my progress is still the same i.e. kills achivments etc ive never cheated in my life the only thing i did different was play split screen offline with my cousin in campain......does anybody know why this shit happened
Because you played splitscreen offline with your coursin.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Gears 2 level reset?
03/26/11 12:39 am | #10
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by AJ:
Because you played splitscreen offline with your coursin.
What the hell does that have to do with anything.....if thats true im gonna kick my cousin in his fuckin ass......shit gotta blame sombody
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