I would like to set up trade routes for games in South Jersey so we can all raise up in the ranks. If anyone lives down here, hit up this thread. If you're out of state that's fine too but shipping might get annoying if you're too far out...
Archived: Gamez
Posted Under: Gaming
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04/12/11 7:02 pm | #1
Alright, I'm sure there is a post of this somewhere but I wanted to start one just for Jersey people.
I would like to set up trade routes for games in South Jersey so we can all raise up in the ranks. If anyone lives down here, hit up this thread. If you're out of state that's fine too but shipping might get annoying if you're too far out...
I would like to set up trade routes for games in South Jersey so we can all raise up in the ranks. If anyone lives down here, hit up this thread. If you're out of state that's fine too but shipping might get annoying if you're too far out...
Re: Gamez
04/12/11 7:10 pm | #3
I guess so, it's more of a 'hey people in my area let's hit each other up with what we can trade around us' kinda deal... but if it is similar to the trade thread then i guess so...
Re: Gamez
04/12/11 8:18 pm | #5
"hit each other up" Is that kinda like 'knock each other up?"
Re: Gamez
04/12/11 8:23 pm | #6
lol no, its more along the lines of get each other's emails or the like... unless there's female gamers... then call me...

Re: Re: Gamez
04/12/11 9:29 pm | #8
Quote by Shad0wruck3r:
lol no, its more along the lines of get each other's emails or the like... unless there's female gamers... then call me... 

Hey there big boy

Re: Re: Re: Gamez
04/12/11 10:32 pm | #9
Quote by Bovice63:
Quote by Shad0wruck3r:
lol no, its more along the lines of get each other's emails or the like... unless there's female gamers... then call me... 

Hey there big boy

I lololol'ed
Re: Gamez
04/12/11 10:53 pm | #10
Wow, this thread is going south. But I do like where it is going.
Re: Re: Gamez
04/13/11 10:07 am | #11
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Wow, this thread is going south. But I do like where it is going.

Re: Gamez
04/15/11 10:54 am | #12
wuz good
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