Archived: gamefly
Posted Under: Gaming
04/15/10 3:05 pm | #1
I've been thinking about signing up, what is everyone's opinion on it. Is it worth it or not?
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 3:30 pm | #2
It's been covered a few times. Shipping is slow and so is game selection at times. I have the 2 games at a time so I can play one while the other is in the 4 day turn around time.
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 4:03 pm | #4
yeah i had it for a couple months but i canceled it cause the games were always low availability n if u want new games it will take forever to get those.
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 4:39 pm | #5
I dunno, I haven't rented a game since that motorcycle game for N64.
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 9:45 pm | #6
It's really slow and games are always low ended up cancelling
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 10:12 pm | #7
Not really worth it, unless you're a GS waffle or just LOVE to play video games. I had it for a while, canceled it after not too long.
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 10:12 pm | #8
i dont get everyones problems with gamefly, i get brand new games ALL THE TIME and it takes 2 days there and 2 days back, new games ship on MONDAY before theyre in stores and i get them by wed or thur. Splinter Cell, yea i had it on wednesday from gamefly when it was in stores tuesday. Just about every new game thats on my gamercard is from gamefly, i hardly ever buy any games. All u gotta do is get a good system down and ull get all the new titles, i ship my old games back on thur nite and it gets there by monday mornin, then boom they ship out the brand new game 2 hours later on monday...easy, cheap, and great.
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 10:18 pm | #9
For me Gamefly was way too slow, and because of is also expensive.
You pay basically 25 bucks for 2 games out, and with how long it takes to ship w/ how long you play w/ shipping back really you just get 2 games a month.
Thats how gamefly was for me. I know some people get good shipping, but from what i hear and experienced...most people dont.
Just try it out. You can always cancel
You pay basically 25 bucks for 2 games out, and with how long it takes to ship w/ how long you play w/ shipping back really you just get 2 games a month.
Thats how gamefly was for me. I know some people get good shipping, but from what i hear and experienced...most people dont.
Just try it out. You can always cancel

Re: gamefly
04/15/10 10:20 pm | #10
they do have such a thing as a free trial too lol
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 10:30 pm | #11
I've tried gamefly several times but its just not that great. It takes like 5 days to get a game to you and 5 days to send one back. And plus most of the games I end up buying because I know I'm going to like them. It's BS when they say "try new games" because anything that isn't 1+ years old your going to have to wait for a long time till they send it to you..
Re: gamefly
04/15/10 11:23 pm | #13
iI recommend just givin it a free trial, then cancel within a month if u dont like it. All my friends and I have it and noone has any problem with getting games within 2-3 days but i mean i do live in Ohio and there is a shipping center in PA which is like 2 hours away from me...or do the blockbuster thing like above
Re: Re: gamefly
05/02/10 9:50 pm | #14
Quote by IO IW IN xAG3x:
Thats why i go to my local blockbuster and buy this thing called a game pass u can get unlimited games one month only 20$ and originally it cost 7-9 bucks to rent just one game for 5 days lol and the good thing is blockbuster is only about 3-5 minutes away from me so its the best =)))
Yea that does seem nice and i have heard about gamefly i might use it when i can afford it (me being 14)