Quote by bluntedGRINCH:
Quote by o00oRICHARDo00o:
OK, they reported it lost and sent me another copy a while back but yesterday I finally received the first copy of Prototype! The envelope is ripped to shreds but the sleeve is ok. So how do I mail it back now? My friend told me to just keep it but I hate having the lost status on my rental history and the game reminds me of a mix between spiderman and assassins creed? Not, a bad game but it just felt like a played it before, if you know what a mean...
Can I just throw it in with another game? (mail 2 games in the same envelope?)
I rented MUA2 and then decided to keep it, so I think I might still have the return envelope to it somewhere?
Can I just throw it in with another game? (mail 2 games in the same envelope?)
I rented MUA2 and then decided to keep it, so I think I might still have the return envelope to it somewhere?
If you dont still have that envelope then you just have to go to there site and you can request one.
I will try this! Thx!