Archived: Frank Herbert's Dune remake
Posted Under: Entertainment
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Frank Herbert's Dune remake
05/14/10 9:47 am | #1
talk about remaking the awesome Dune series into movies is in effect. honestly, im pissed. i was happy that i was 1 of few people that knew about the Dune books. Herbert's son picked up the series a while back and continued to write books, but he sucks. he's nothing compared to the old pervy geezer. i'd like to see the movies remade(seeing as how Dune and Children of Dune were syfy specials, but good syfy specials. i own the first Dune Collecters edition on DVD) but i want hem NOT to go to theaters. it'll just ruin it. completely. so, on this day, the day of my daughter's wedding, im depressed and all i want for christmas is no remake of Dune. where is dr.rockso when i need him. id annoy the piss out of the producers with him.
Re: Frank Herbert's Dune remake
05/14/10 10:54 am | #2
The mini series was only made about 10 years ago. I would be surprised if they remade it. I wouldn't mind if they picked up where the series left off, though.
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