Now it’s time to put a face, or faces to the people behind the gamertags of Noah 9000 and Jennifer 9000!
If you didn’t know; Noah and Jen are pirates. In their free time they enjoy sailing, collecting swag/booty, and burying treasure. Today is also Jen’s birthday so don’t forget to wish her a happy one (Feb. 7th, this might be posted an hour or so early)!!! I think I’ll give her some shades as a present

AJ: Well as a tradition, I'll go with the first question usually asked in these spotlights; Noah and Jen, why don't you two start off by telling us all a little bit about yourselves.
Noah: Well, we have 2 beautiful children, we work full time, and we both enjoy gaming, reading and just being lazy! lol. Jen's more adventurous though for sure, wanting to get out and explore, while I prefer exploring with a controller in my hand!
Jen: I'm an RN working with hospice patients and Noah works with steel. I'd say I'm a person who enjoys change. I get bored easily and I'm always seeking new things to try, whereas Noah's more laid back and happy just hanging out and gaming.
AJ: How did both of you hear about XboxAmerica, and along the same lines, what about your favorite site features?
Noah: I read about the site through xbox.com. Someone mentioned a place where you could see state leaderboards and I was intrigued. After a little searching I stumbled upon XBA. As for favorite site features, I love the "most recent posts." That's something I've never experienced on other forums. Other than that I'm just here for the great community!
Jen: I heard about it from Noah, and I guess my favorite parts of the site would be the "Xbox 360 News" section and the off topic forum.
AJ: Well, know that we know a little but more about you two, why don't you go ahead and tell everyone how you two met, if it's not too gushy

Noah: We met on a website called "myownfriends.com" or .org or something. It was a small chat community, smaller than xba, if you can believe that. The first time we talked we didn't even get along and got into a fight, lol. After talking for a while we started talking on the phone and falling for each other, and shortly after we decided to meet. I lived in Des Moines, IA at the time, and on July 1st, 2005 I flew here to PA so we could do just that. Shortly after I moved in with Jen and the rest is history! That was 5 years ago, and now we're very happily married!
AJ: It seems as though the internet has brought a lot of people together, that's great. Especially when you wouldn't normally have had the chance to meet someone so far away.
When it comes to gaming, do you two usually like the same type of games or are you both duking it out for who's going to play and when? I think most of us around here know that Jen wears the pants in your household, but you can try to convince us otherwise, Noah.
Noah: Hahaha, Jen wears the pants, I can't lie about that! I think we have very similar gaming interests, and yet a few differences. We both love shooters and shooter RPGs like Borderlands, CoD, Bioshock, etc. Once in awhile I get hooked on a JRPG which Jen doesn't care for.
Jen: Of course I wear the pants, lol. I also enjoy games like Civilization: Revolution and Lips, which are games Noah would never play. We don't usually fight over the 360 because I usually play in the morning or afternoon and Noah plays late at night.
AJ: Noah, I personally know as well as a few other members around here that you are a hardcore completionist (n00b

Noah: Well buddy, as I write this my GS is now 50,220 thanks to "Darkest of Days"! lol. 50K has always been my goal, and I know I'll shoot higher in the future, but not until I reach 70K or so. Completions will always be my thing, that's just how my brain works. As a matter of fact, I've made it this far without playing "Avatar" and I plan on completing that one now as a personal treat to me! lol. I just wish I could delete any game from my list. I'd have no problem sacrificing some GS for a 100% complete tag.
AJ: That'll teach me to write up questions for the spotlight early! Also, congrats on your bronze waffle! Jen, you're almost at your burnt waffle, better get crackin'!
Now Jen, I must ask... How on earth do you put up with Noah EVERYDAY?! Haha, just kidding, Noah (or am I). But seriously, when did you start playing video games and would you rather play a game co-op with Noah, or would you rather play by yourself and be able to see the whole screen

Jen: The only game we've ever really played split screen is Borderlands. It was fun but our TV is just too small. In general, I prefer to play games alone. I've always enjoyed retro games like Galaga, Pacman and Contra, but it wasn't until November 08 that I started playing on the 360. Noah always tried getting me to play before that but I just never got into it. One day when he was at work I decided to try Geometry Wars, which I loved, and then I picked up Civilization. I've been hooked ever since!
AJ: I for one, would definitely like to know what's behind the whole 9,000 deal in both of your gamertags. Care to elaborate?
Noah: Before I became Noah 9000 my GT was Lord Frag because most of my Gears kills were earned through tags. The Gears community, as mature as it is, bashed it up and down, every round. It got pretty annoying so I decided to change it. At the time I was obsessed with the "OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND" meme and Noah 9000 just came to me. I think it has a nice ring to it! Jen was originally Juniper9 and she just got sick of it. She wanted something with her real name so I suggested Jennifer 9000. I guess she liked it! lol
AJ: Jen, you've mentioned you just play games for fun but still have a nice chunk of gamerscore. Are you one of the many addicted to achievements or do you mainly play games for fun?
Jen: When NEMESIS MASK first started the Friendly Gamerscore Competitions I loved to see how much GS I could accumulate. I think the best I ever placed was 7th, but I beat Noah that time! Recently I haven't had as much time to play, so when I get the chance I just play for fun.
AJ: Another for Jen (sorry Noah): I know you're not about completing games like Noah, but if you know you can unlock a few cheevies will you take the extra time to earn yourself some gamerscore?
Jen: It just depends. If I've grown bored of a game or want to start on a new one I won't. If it's a game I really enjoy though, I'll try and get them all as long as I don't need to use a walkthrough. Some achievements just bore me to death, like collection achievements for example. I usually tell myself that I'll finish them eventually but I usually never go back.
AJ: Now that the interview is coming to a close, is there anything else either of you would like to mention or let everyone here know about yourselves?
Noah: I think everyone knows pretty much everything else about me! lol. Uh... I'm a very picky eater. I don't do fruits or vegetables. Actually all I really eat is breakfast foods and meat, lol. NOW YOU KNOW!
AJ: That should be it, if there's anything else you guys want to add just let me know, thanks again for agreeing to do this and I hope you enjoy the shades

Noah + Jen:

Thank you very much for doing this, AJ. It was a blast! We'd also like to thank Jackson for developing the site, and our wonderful community. Thanks everyone! You're awesome!
Noah: Oh and a special thanks to Kruegy Baby for making all my wildest dreams come true.
AJ: Thank you very much for taking the time out of your schedules to answer my questions! Enjoy the shades.