Closed: Eff this!
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Eff this!
04/06/10 9:46 pm | #1
this is why girls get turned away from gaming... douche bags like AJ like to try and limit where i can post a thread... i started a thread because i felt that the others out there was not what i was looking for! theres no law on how many threads can be posted of the same topic. everyone is looking for different answers! this site is effin horrible. peace the eff out!
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:48 pm | #2
MW2 thread = MW2 thread, yours is nothing special.
A class is a class in that game, you think yours is special? 100,000's of people use the SAME classes as you! OMG!
A class is a class in that game, you think yours is special? 100,000's of people use the SAME classes as you! OMG!
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:48 pm | #3
*edit* I see what happened now
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:49 pm | #4
Why not talk to him about, reason with him
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:49 pm | #5
he effin blocked me like a coward
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:50 pm | #6
Although you and him may not get along, I still say you reconsider leaving. This is an amazing site.
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:50 pm | #7
if you dont care about my classes then dont read it!!! i didnt break your arm and force you to read it... your the only effin ass who had a problem with it
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:51 pm | #8
I believe you're the one who sent me a message first, I won't put it up here because you'd probably get banned
God knows I wouldn't want that! I love reading 10,000 MW2 threads a day. Please, I want more!
EDIT: If I was the only one that 'cared', it wouldn't have gotten closed..

God knows I wouldn't want that! I love reading 10,000 MW2 threads a day. Please, I want more!
EDIT: If I was the only one that 'cared', it wouldn't have gotten closed..
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:52 pm | #9
why would i post on someone elses tread? they dont have my classes... nor do they play like i do... i was asking for suggestions. and if yo uwant to be a dick about it ignore it. or are you a little pussy who uses a riot shield in all your games?...
that was my message to him.... ouch im gonna go cry now!!
that was my message to him.... ouch im gonna go cry now!!
Re: Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:54 pm | #11
Quote by Melissa Evol:
LOL! AJ didn't close your thread- a mod did. We don't need 50 threads on the same subject, we have a small pool of posters, and we've seen it all before. There were a bunch of threads on MW2 classes, and all AJ did was post a list of them. As AJ said, there wasn't anything different about yours, it should have been posted in a preexisting thread. Don't make this a gender issue. It absolutely has nothing to do with that.
Thanks Pesci!
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:55 pm | #13
Im missed the thread?
Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:56 pm | #14
Thanks Pesci!
Anytime, Samuel L Jackson!
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
LOL! AJ didn't close your thread- a mod did. We don't need 50 threads on the same subject, we have a small pool of posters, and we've seen it all before. There were a bunch of threads on MW2 classes, and all AJ did was post a list of them. As AJ said, there wasn't anything different about yours, it should have been posted in a preexisting thread. Don't make this a gender issue. It absolutely has nothing to do with that.
Thanks Pesci!
Anytime, Samuel L Jackson!

Re: Eff this!
04/06/10 9:56 pm | #15
i didnt say he closed it... i could care less if it was closed he doesnt have to be a douche about it... it only pisses me off. im out!