We ended up playing a mission, and everything went smoothly, until the very end. We were beating up on the key general to kill, and at the last moment I unleashed my fury attack and my partners were attacking like crazy.
All of a sudden the Victory logo came up, yet the music was like 5 seconds late. Needless to say, The game got stuck and we were running around and not going to the reward screens.
I then quit out to the dashboard, reloaded up the game, and low and behold, the only save there was my solo game, and all the progress I had made online was lost.
I do not want to play this game anymore due to this glitch, as i have lost valuable time and hardwork for nothing. So instead of me getting a lvl50 achieve if i do get it, they should throw in a lvl70 achieve, because I will have ended up making up the 20 levels i had lost.
Anyways, was just wondering if anyone else experienced this, as everyone in my crew did.