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Archived: Dont you just HATE it when

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Re: Dont you just HATE it when
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no i almost exploded when i ate this

now THAT is a pizza that kicked my ass.
its called the porker, from a restaurant called "first class pizza".
me n my uncle tried to eat an x large by ourselves, but only ate 4 slices a piece and that was without eating the crust.
we were dying on the drive back from irvine, but being the fat ass that i am, i ate the 4 leftover slices at home that night haha

*EDIT* sry that its so big. just wanted to show u its epicness

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Dont you just HATE it when
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Quote by Lady Evol:

Quote by IRiSH:

In-N-Out is the absolute shit! That's the first place we go after I get off my plane each time I'm out there. It's another place we don't have back east here. We have a few Sonics on Ohio but not in our area.

Yeah In-n-out is awesome!

The closest Sonic to us is about an hour away... We consider it worth it! It was great when we had to go to Toledo for my appointments because we had a reason to drive out there! :p

im the same way. if the food is worth it, i dont mind driving long distances.
bout two years ago me my uncle, 2 aunts, my mom and my sis all drove to vegas just to eat at a restaurant in rio. we got there n they were closed till about 5pm they opened. so we waiting around 3 hours to just play a few games n walk around then left...at like 4:50 pm. it took 6 FUCKING HOURS to get home with 6 people in a mazda protege 01. that is a small ass car, not build for 6 people lol. total was 10 hours, 4 1/2 hrs to get there n 6 hours to get back...it sucked ass...n we never even got to eat there T,T
Re: Dont you just HATE it when
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Chili Fritos.
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