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Sticky: Donate to Xbox America
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Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 4:39 pm | #1
Hey everyone,
After some problems with server traffic, I've decided to open up the donations link again. Donations will be used to upgrade the server and ensure Xbox America has the resources it needs. This will help prevent errors in peak times, and keep everything spritely and quick in off times.
To donate, visit http://xboxamerica.com/donate.
Thanks to those who donate, and to everyone here who makes Xbox America so great.
Happy holidays everyone.
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 4:43 pm | #2
Any ideas on how much it needs to be collected?
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 6:07 pm | #3
Unattributed Quote:
Any ideas on how much it needs to be collected?
The additional monthly cost for the upgraded server is about $50-75. We can always switch between server packages if we fail to raise enough to cover some months, or go to an even higher package if we make even more.
Re: Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 6:10 pm | #4
Quote by Jackson:
Unattributed Quote:
Any ideas on how much it needs to be collected?
The additional monthly cost for the upgraded server is about $50-75. We can always switch between server packages if we fail to raise enough to cover some months, or go to an even higher package if we make even more.
Don't close it early this time man. I don't get paid till Friday and don't want to miss out on another year of this. For everything this site gives to me and others, I will gladly through some cash in the mix.
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 7:14 pm | #5
I dropped $20. It's easy to do. I highly encourage everyone to donate what they can to help this wonderful site grow.
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 8:13 pm | #6
I need a new badge
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 8:13 pm | #7
I dropped a couple bucks. All I could afford at the moment. Will donate more if link is still up at end of year.
Re: Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 8:14 pm | #8
Quote by Minioger:
I need a new badge

Give it to yourself!
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 8:47 pm | #9
Was I the first one to donate this round?
And do I get my badges back when the new server kicks in? Representin' and It Defines Me.
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 9:49 pm | #10
I donated $20. I love this site and dont mind at all helping out.
Re: Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 11:12 pm | #11
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Was I the first one to donate this round?
And do I get my badges back when the new server kicks in? Representin' and It Defines Me.
That's an xbox.com issue, not a server issue.
Re: Re: Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/21/10 11:41 pm | #12
Quote by AJ:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Was I the first one to donate this round?
And do I get my badges back when the new server kicks in? Representin' and It Defines Me.
That's an xbox.com issue, not a server issue.
Ahhhh shit. Seriously?
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/22/10 6:41 pm | #13
I would donate, but dont have any online cash to send out and I dont use credit cards.
Sorry for not being able to help.
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/23/10 11:39 am | #14
Ok I just chipped in. Sorry I couldnt do more but 5 kids at Christmas isnt cheap lol
Re: Donate to Xbox America
12/23/10 12:24 pm | #15
Keep it open till next Sunday and I will throw in my 20 bones for this wonderful site, Happy Holidays everyone and enjoy your Christmas bounties
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