Archived: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 1:50 am | #1
I was woundering this because everytime i try to find a game i sit for over a hour and never find one and I really wanna try to get the achevements for it
by the way Im meaning 1

Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 1:52 am | #2
saints row 1 or 2?
Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 1:52 am | #3
I need em, hit me up on Live with a Friend Request and we can try and knock em' out sometime.
*edit* I need em for 1 and 2 so either way.
*edit* I need em for 1 and 2 so either way.
Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 1:54 am | #4
the orginal one
Re: Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 1:58 am | #6
Quote by Bongo:
I need to boost in both 1 and 2. If someone creates an event Im up for it for sure.
I guess Ill need to set one up soon
by the way that Dog thing in your signature is really freaky lol
Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 2:01 am | #7
yea i have saints row 1 still so i can jump in and boost w u guys, i still need these as well. set an event up
Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 2:03 am | #8
Ill set up an event Ill just need to find a day I have a few hours open thats not too late
Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 2:13 am | #10
just checked my achieves for this game and all i need r the online achieves haha, win 10 matches in a row, headshot 100 enemies, kill the pimp 50 times n rank to kingpin...not even gonna attempt the car pimping ones haha
Re: Re: Re: Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 2:19 am | #11
Quote by Bongo:
Quote by clownzombie333:
I guess Ill need to set one up soon by the way that Dog thing in your signature is really freaky lol
Thats exactly why I have it in my sig!

Re: Re: does anyone still play Saints Row online?
04/19/10 2:20 am | #12
Quote by A Silent Circus:
just checked my achieves for this game and all i need r the online achieves haha, win 10 matches in a row, headshot 100 enemies, kill the pimp 50 times n rank to kingpin...not even gonna attempt the car pimping ones haha
The pimping one shouldnt be too hard all you really need is money and to get to a garage
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