Archived: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
Posted Under: Gaming
does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 10:47 am | #1
backwards compatible i have a 120g and i have a shit load of games i wanna play but i don't wanna spend money on a ps2 do you know if the ps3 is backwards compatible?
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 10:54 am | #2
Depends on which one you have. The one you have is NOT backwards compatible....all the new ones are no longer BC. Sonys PS2 is still making a lil money all over, so they quit making BC PS3's. Sony was talking about some type of update that will let ALL non backwards compatible PS3s play PS2 games.....through like some type of emulator. But a date has never been announced...and they talked about that like 2 years ago. So im going to just say NEVER.
Re: Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 10:59 am | #3
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Depends on which one you have. The one you have is NOT backwards compatible....all the new ones are no longer BC. Sonys PS2 is still making a lil money all over, so they quit making BC PS3's. Sony was talking about some type of update that will let ALL non backwards compatible PS3s play PS2 games.....through like some type of emulator. But a date has never been announced...and they talked about that like 2 years ago. So im going to just say NEVER.
well then should i go out and buy a ps2?
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 11:22 am | #4
If you really have a "shitload" of games then probably because it is $59.99 used at gamestop or $10 less if you get the bigger one. That is the price of one ps3 game.
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 11:33 am | #5
i was looking someplace to get one cheaper
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 12:12 pm | #6
Ebay a PS2. there are rumors goin around that Sony might start doing more PS2 classics in HD like the god of war collection or just start puttin them on the store but no idea when or if it will happen. I heard Ico and Shadow of the Colossus were gonna b released like the GoW collection before the Last Guardian comes out.
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 12:18 pm | #7
yeah i heard that too i wish they would remake RE4 for the ps3 and 360
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 1:16 pm | #9
what gig is the old one and how much do you think i will have to pay if i do that?
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 1:22 pm | #11
i think my friend is sellin me a slim ps2 for 20 bucks
which i think is a great deal with two controllers
which i think is a great deal with two controllers
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 1:29 pm | #13
Yeah the older PS3 models (40 and 80 gig I think) were BC but they stopped that now.
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 1:32 pm | #14
NEVER! Sony is trying to get rid of the old fatties.
I have the one that came out in 2006 (got it on release day). A friend of mine had the same one but broke down. When he called Customer Service, they told him he'd receive a "slim" one. He said no, he wanted the same kind of PS3 he was sending for repair. They told him that if he wanted the same one, it would cost $100 to $150 extra, on top of the $150 that was costing his repair.
They were trying to make him change his mind but he just opted to repair it with some other repair company he found nearby. Paid like $75.
My PS3's had his share of abuse, and never gave me any problems. Still alive and kickin'.
On a different note, let's see how long it takes for this thread to get trolled.
I have the one that came out in 2006 (got it on release day). A friend of mine had the same one but broke down. When he called Customer Service, they told him he'd receive a "slim" one. He said no, he wanted the same kind of PS3 he was sending for repair. They told him that if he wanted the same one, it would cost $100 to $150 extra, on top of the $150 that was costing his repair.
They were trying to make him change his mind but he just opted to repair it with some other repair company he found nearby. Paid like $75.
My PS3's had his share of abuse, and never gave me any problems. Still alive and kickin'.
On a different note, let's see how long it takes for this thread to get trolled.
Re: does anyone know if or when the ps3 is gonna be
05/30/10 2:24 pm | #15
just go out and buy a PS2, a slim one preferably since they're less likely to get the "disc read error" problems that most fat ones do. you'll be able to play all your PS2 and PS1 games effortlessly.
i love my PS2 slim
i love my PS2 slim