Me and my friend play guitar hero 3 once a week on Thursdays. We played last week and every time we played a song it saved onto the file. When we tried playing yesterday, after we played the song it said it couldn't find the drive or overwrite the save. I can still load the save and my save had 8 out 8 careers beat and almost all 5 starts on every song. Does anyone know who I can contact for help? Can anyone here help? does anyone known what might have happened and how to fix it?
Another error is happening. I made a new save and beat the game on expert. I decided to make a new band and when I did and beat a song it gave me the can't find hard drive or device in use error. meaning I can only have one band have the inability to save and can't get the 350,000$ achievement. I have tried talking to activison but they won't help.
So I am pleading can anyone tell me what is wrong and how I can fix it?