Archived: COD MW2
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
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Re: Re: COD MW2
05/21/10 7:40 pm | #3
Quote by Durtie:
Alot of people need these. You should set up an event. I'm sure you'll get a nice turn out.
A nice turnout indeed, too bad Spec Ops are only 2 player...
I really wish they would've made it 4 player...
05/21/10 7:51 pm | #4
I need all the spec ops but I'm not to great at it
05/21/10 7:54 pm | #5
Ask AJ I'm sure AJ will help out right AJ?
Re: Re: COD MW2
05/21/10 8:07 pm | #6
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Ask AJ I'm sure AJ will help out right AJ?
HA, after doing it like 18 times, I'm done with Spec Ops, unless close friends needs help...
Noah killed it for me because he was so bad at them

Seriously, he was bad.
Re: Re: Re: Re: COD MW2
05/21/10 8:53 pm | #8
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by AJ:
A nice turnout indeed, too bad Spec Ops are only 2 player...
I really wish they would've made it 4 player...
That would have been epic
Sure would've...
05/24/10 7:28 am | #9
I need like 3 more levels on veteran. I will do them with you if you want!
06/22/10 12:15 am | #11
I can help u find a new game to play.
07/02/10 5:43 pm | #12
Ive got them all, to bad they didnt bring out more. Actually the High-Explosive one is easy if you kneel down behind the car dirrectly in front of you. (In single player mode.) May work in 2 player co-op. Anyways if you kneel down by the car and look through the window, you only have to shoot the Jugg's once and then they just stand thier , all you have to do then is shoot once in the head, if they are standing close to the car, then the nades will just bounce off so a few should do if they are close. Also when thier are more then one, and one comes from the right flash him run a big circle get behind the car again, shoot and repeat.
1. Spawn first Jugg.
2. Get behind the car, kneel downand look through the window.
3. Shoot first Jugg once, then once more in head.
4. If more than one jugg spawns and one comes from the right then flash him and run a big circle.
5. Rinse and repeat.
1. Spawn first Jugg.
2. Get behind the car, kneel downand look through the window.
3. Shoot first Jugg once, then once more in head.
4. If more than one jugg spawns and one comes from the right then flash him and run a big circle.
5. Rinse and repeat.
Re: Re: COD MW2
07/06/10 8:05 am | #13
Quote by CHASE1494:
I need like 3 more levels on veteran. I will do them with you if you want!
Darn you, Chase! I'm ranked #110 in Georgia. You're in my way!

Hit me up sometime for multiplayer or Spec Ops. I've almost completed it though.
07/06/10 10:26 am | #14
If someone sets up and event for this i want to join. have have a good portion of them but still need to do some of delta and most of echo.
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