Archived: Can I still get achievements on the Duke Nukem Forever with the cheats activated from the extra menu's??
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Can I still get achievements on the Duke Nukem Forever with the cheats activated from the extra menu's??
06/16/11 9:57 am | #1
Just wondering if achievements on Duke Nukem Forever will still be activated if the cheats are activated from the extra menu's??
Re: Can I still get achievements on the Duke Nukem Forever with the cheats activated from the extra menu's??
06/16/11 10:00 am | #2
I couldn't give you an answer because I don't know/won't know. But try googling it. I pulled something up at: and they said it does. But I haven't played it to confirm it and it doesn't seem like the guy that answered knows whether they do or not either.
Just try it, if you notice that it does, erase the save
Just try it, if you notice that it does, erase the save
Re: Can I still get achievements on the Duke Nukem Forever with the cheats activated from the extra menu's??
06/16/11 10:43 am | #3
No you can't earn achievements if using cheat codes. When you try to activate a cheat a prompt comes up saying that if you enable cheats you cannot get achievements or ego boosts.
Re: Can I still get achievements on the Duke Nukem Forever with the cheats activated from the extra menu's??
06/16/11 10:46 am | #4

Re: Can I still get achievements on the Duke Nukem Forever with the cheats activated from the extra menu's??
06/16/11 11:14 am | #5
invincibility infinite ammo and one other disable achievements + ego boosts
Re: Can I still get achievements on the Duke Nukem Forever with the cheats activated from the extra menu's??
06/16/11 5:10 pm | #6
I could use the infinite ammo cheat. There is no such thing as "enough" ammo. Too bad you can't get the achievements to unlock using cheats.
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