Archived: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/17/10 9:53 pm | #2
lol jk
lol jk
Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/17/10 10:32 pm | #3
Whatever YOU like.
I don't know man, how bout a little about your interests, about you. Give us something to go with, ok.
I don't know man, how bout a little about your interests, about you. Give us something to go with, ok.
Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/17/10 11:21 pm | #5
The Turd Burglar or The Turd Snergler
Re: Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/18/10 12:08 am | #7
Quote by Circus:
The Turd Burglar or The Turd Snergler
I second this one lol
Re: Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/18/10 12:09 am | #8
Quote by KnuckPuck:
I have made a thread like this and they came up with the name KnucklePuck.
And look at your tag now, lol.
I like Circus' ideas, they're dope yo!
Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/18/10 12:12 am | #10
Dildo Magoo
Crap on a stick
The 1 n Only Asshat
Crap on a stick
The 1 n Only Asshat

Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/18/10 12:12 am | #11
How about RiiCAN X FR3SH?!?!?!
Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/18/10 12:14 am | #12
i was thinking something like MassachusettsMan IDK lol sounds catchy but like pure said it would be better if we knew something about you. it would make it easier to come up with a tag.
Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/18/10 12:32 am | #14
My buddy had his tag CooterMcDoogle for awhile and it always made me laugh when he signed in but then he changed it to a serious tag, its prolly untaken again so u could try it

Re: Re: Can anyone give me any suggestions of what I should change my name to?
07/18/10 12:35 am | #15
Quote by Cristian:
these names dont interest me sorry anyone else have a gamertag in mind
You wont get a serious answer until you give a little.
You seriously want us to give you an idea for a name when we know nothing about you?
Let me start:
Do you enjoy a particular sport?
What is your favorite Genre of movie? Game? Music?
Are you looking for a serious tag, or a somewhat funny tag?
See what I mean man? You gotta give a little to get a little.