That's right. Making good on the legend of Luke Smith's epic pre-Halo 3 era throw down, we're fulfilling the promise of Steaktacular in a spectacularly meaty way.
On Bungie Day, July 7th, we'll be deploying four man squads into a special Bungie vs. the World playlist for 24 hours of gaming glory. If you end up squaring off with any of our battle-hardened quartets and you can take them down by a margin of victory of 20 kills or more, we'll mail you a real steak. Hell, make it two steaks. While supplies last. (If you’re an non-US resident we'll send you a gift card. It's one of those really boring, but seriously necessary legal affairs. Pretty sure our lawyers hate you.)*
If our team makes it out of their hour unscathed, they'll fire up the studio grill and eat the steaks you could have won right on the webcams so you can witness the bloody aftermath while you lick nothing but your tender wounds.
So, there you go. The Rumble with the Bungle. You're the dopes. We're the uh, ropes.
See you in the ring. July 7th. You can leave the A-1 in the fridge. You won't be needing it. For your steaks. That you won't be winning. Because we're the winners.
Full 24-hour and team rosters coming soon. For now, right click and save the wallpapers linked below. Then, read the official rules. They're poetic.