Bioshock 2 Protector Trials DLC Review

What: Released this week, on Tuesday August 3, was the first batch of singeplayer DLC for the hit Bioshock 2.
Price: 400 MSP
Review: For fans of the times in Bioshock 2's campaign where you had to defend your Little Sister as she harvested ADAM, this will be a treat. For those who did not, well this DLC may not be for you. The Protector Trials run much the same way Spec Ops do in Call of Duty. You are given a specific loadout of weapons and plasmids to utilize while your Little Sister goes about her job.Your goal is to capture as much ADAM as possible, and the task can sometimes be difficult, but not impossible. These trials take place over six areas, with three trials (and one bonus trial) in each area. Completing one trial will net you one star for the area, completing all three will net you three stars.
For me, these little trials captured the frantic combat of Bioshock 2 in a picturesque fashion. I enjoy high paced shooting, and this definitely rewarded me with satisfaction as I laid traps and blasted Splicers to hell. Of course, there were some parts where I found myself backed against a wall. But forcing the player to use plasmids they may not have used in the campaign forces you to think differently.
For a modest sum of 400 points, the DLC gives you up to a a few (3-5) hours worth of play. But Bioshock veterans can have this done in no time at all. The DLC is also bundled with 7 achievements for 100 Gamerscore. Ultimately, I prescribe this to fanboys and completionists only. If only for the fact that while they are fun, the trials are unfortunately too short with very little replay value.
Verdict: Buy if you are a Hardcore fan of Bioshock 2, or the rabid completionist. Skip if you are the cautious consumer, as there is not much bang for your buck.