Archived: beta
Posted Under: 360 Talk
06/01/10 11:49 pm | #1
any ideas when the assassin creed brotherhood beta is supposed to come out
Re: beta
06/02/10 12:00 am | #2
Why the hell would they have a beta?
I mean, that's cool... But seriously? They've done everything almost perfectly so far...
I mean, that's cool... But seriously? They've done everything almost perfectly so far...
Re: beta
06/02/10 12:02 am | #3
they already said they are having one i jjust wanna know when
Re: beta
06/02/10 12:05 am | #4
they also wanna see how people like the multiplayer
Re: beta
06/02/10 2:31 am | #5
Yeah I heard of the beta, but i dont know when it is. Maybe they'll say during E3.
Re: Re: beta
06/02/10 5:29 am | #6
Quote by Bullets Chase:
Yeah I heard of the beta, but i dont know when it is. Maybe they'll say during E3.
They've never had any sort of beta or demo for either of the first one, so I highly doubt they will have one this time around. But I am very interested in how the multiplayer aspect of the new game will be. I just hope there aren't any annoying online achievements!
Re: beta
06/02/10 9:31 am | #7
Ac muiltiplayer doesnt seem to work in my head
Re: Re: beta
06/02/10 11:34 am | #8
Quote by Sean:
Ac muiltiplayer doesnt seem to work in my head
templars vs assassins maybe?
or do like, an assassin team/s vs assassin team/s? like 1v1 (but teams of like..idk, 3-6) or do like multiple teams (like 4 teams, again of 3-6 people) and they all have a common target (or targets) they all have to find and assassinate? idk, thats my ideas for a pretty good mp. or, going off of the templars vs assassins idea, have like the specific target the assassins need to kill, and the templars protect that target? idk
Re: beta
06/02/10 12:10 pm | #9
Co-op assassins creed would be the best thing ever.
Re: Re: beta
06/02/10 1:04 pm | #10
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Co-op assassins creed would be the best thing ever.
oh heck yea. maybe they can do that in assassins creed 3? do like another assassin (or maybe even desmond) and then you can have a buddy jump in and assassinate w/ you? have like one up in the shadows waiting, the other jumps down and distracts everyone, while the one in the shadows swoops in for a beastly AIR ASSASSINATION! xD
hmm...if you had co-op..what if you could do a co-op/double assassination? like trip a guard up and then knife his throat? or one talk to him, seem casual, other comes up and assassinates? idk.just some ideas lol
Re: beta
06/02/10 5:23 pm | #12
Thats sweet! I'm glad I was wrong on this one! I just hope it's a good beta so I can get my Assassin's Creed fix this summer!

Re: beta
06/02/10 10:10 pm | #13
this holiday season? thats not alot of time i dont want to see a rushed AC come out and have it totally suck
Re: Re: beta
06/03/10 10:12 am | #14
Quote by xJollyLlama:
this holiday season? thats not alot of time i dont want to see a rushed AC come out and have it totally suck
1. it will have been released a year after ac2, thats a decent amount of time for another game. sure, itd be better w/ a little more time, but ubisofts pretty good bout this stuff so we'll have to see
2. halo: reach is going to be released almost exactly a year after halo 3:odst (both in september, but not the same days) is that going to be a rushed game thats gonna totally suck?
3. holiday season = perfect time to make lots of sales
4. i just wanted to have a 4 xD
i wantz teh beta!!!!!!!!
Re: beta
06/03/10 11:41 pm | #15
its supposed to come out november\ 1